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"Do you want me to travel with you?" Leah asked. Lando was finishing up his packing from the hotel room.

"Um, yes," Lando smiled at her. "Why, do you not wanna go?" Leah was sitting on the bed in front of him so he put his hand on either side of her face kissing her lightly. "If you don't want ot go you don't have to go"

"Lan," Leah gripped his wrists lightly rubbing her thumb over his skin. "Do you want it to be a boy's trip is what I'm asking? I know you haven't seen Martin in a while and there will be no other females there." Leah watched Lando shake his head, but she already knew what her answer was going to be. "Alright, well I'm putting my foot down, my love, you will go on a boy's trip and then return home to me and Pippin." Leah kissed the plan of his hand as she turned to zip up his suitcase.

"Leah, I don't want to leave you though, that's awful, it's the start of a vacation and I don't like being away from you anyway," Lando reasoned as he watched her put his suitcase on the carpet and push it toward the wall.

"I know, but maybe it would be for the best and we spent every single day together," Leah turned and slid her hands to his waist as he gave her a sad look. "I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but maybe we should just show people that we can have time apart."

"Fine," Lando sighed as he brushed her hair behind her shoulders. "But I'm not going to enjoy it and I will only be gone for a little while. We have to go to London right after I get back anyway." Leah nodded and gave him a big smile.

"I know," Leah muttered.

"Are you going to be able to sleep while I'm gone?" He asked. Leah didn't like sleeping alone after she'd been in the same bed with him for so long. She didn't sleep well when she was younger, she'd gotten insomnia from her mom and her stress. ever since she started dating Lando she would sleep better with him there.

"Yeah," Leah nodded. "And if not, I will go pass out at Cassidy's home." Lando nodded as he kissed her forehead.

"Okay, but you can always call me as well, you know that right?" He laughed at his own joke as he moved toward his luggage. Leah grabbed hers as well.

"I know that, but I won't get in your Djing time, just check in with me," Leah reasoned as she grabbed her coat and the hotel room key. they checked out of the hotel and met up with Max outside. They were all riding to the airport together since Lando and Max were getting on the same plane together.

"You will call me right?" Lando whispered. Leah smiled and put her hand on his thigh.

"Yes, I will call you, now relax, you boys are going to have a fun time," Leah reasoned as she turned toward Max. "Take care of him please."

"I will, but you won't tell Lando took keep a watch on me," Max put a hand on his heart. 'I'm offended."

"Fine," Leah smiled and looked at Lando. "Keep Max out of jail and don't forget him at a gas station."

"That was mean," Max muttered as he looked out of the window. Lando coughed as he tried to cover up his laugh. Leah just smiled proudly as they arrived at the airport. The three drivers got out. Leah let the boys go over to Martin and catch up while she unloaded the car and got her bags checked in. After she made her way over to the boys.

"Hey, my plane is boarding, I've gotta go," She tugged on Lando's wrist.

"I will you over there," He smiled and took her hand. She gave Martin a small wave as they walked toward her gate. "Be safe, I love you." He gave her a hug, his hand gently resting on the back of her head.

"I love you most, you be safe as well, I mean it, Pippin, and I will be waiting for you to get back," Leah smiled at her back. The small cat was sleeping in his carrier that she had slung across her back.

Mind of Steel | Part two | L.N.Where stories live. Discover now