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"Are you ready?" Isabella asked as she showed her phone. Leah turned around happily.

"I'm so excited," She jumped up and down. "Are you guys?" She asked them when she noticed the phone. "Why?"

"I want to document so I can show everyone that you feel pain," Isabella smiled. Leah stared at her and then Cassidy.

"What kind of horrible friends are you? Wanting to show the world my pain," Leah walked forward again, but stopped and turned to her. "Actually pull up my accident where I bruised my ribs, show them that one. I showed pain. I wanted to cry it hurt so bad." Leah put a hand to her ribs as she walked forward.

"I'm scared, I know I'm gonna cry," Cassidy sighed. Leah grabbed Cassidy's hand happily.

"And I will be holding your hand," Leah assured her as they stood in front of the tattoo shop. Isabella stopped the video as they walked in. Each of them was getting a spine tattoo. Was it irresponsible and unprofessional? Yes and yes. But they've wanted tattoos for almost two years now. They were going to get them.

Leah wanted her on her spin so she could fit everything. She was doing a solar system. six planets. One for each member of her family.

"Names?" the woman smiled. She had tattoos covering her face.

"Norris," Leah smiled at her as she rested her hands on the counter.

"Spine tattoo," The woman read off as she handed Leah papers to fill out. "you can fill that out over there." She pointed to a table at the side. Leah nodded and walked over there. Cassidy and Isabella were both given the same paper. It was just the waver and information for the tattoo artist to know.

"Wait, does Lando know you're doing this?" Cassidy asked suddenly. Leah looked up from her paper as she filled in the last question. All she needed to do was sign it.

"No, I'm showing him after," She scribbled her name. "Does Daniel?" She smiled at Cassidy whose face turned a little red.

"You know, it's not like that Leah, but no," Cassidy sighed as she finished answering her questions. Isabella and Leah were brought back first.

"So this is what I've drawn out from your request, what do you think?" The woman asked. her name was Cynthia. She liked to be called Thia. Leah looked at the sketch. Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Earth, and finally Mars for Lando. Charles, George, Dad, Mom, me, Lando. there are stars around the sections of the plants, but it all was connected through constellations, Leah thought it was perfect. Almost exactly what she'd imagined.

"Yes, this looks perfect thank you," Leah smiled at Cynthia as she took the tablet back.

"Alright then, I'm gonna have you lay down on the table, do you have anything specific you want me to play?" Cynthia asked. Leah turned as she pulled her shirt up and unclipped the back other bra. Her shirt hung over her boobs as she lay down on the table. It was a massage table.

"No, I have a wide genre of music," Leah smiled as she tried to relax.

"Have you ever had a tattoo?" Cynthia asked. Leah wanted to shake her head but forgot she was laying on the table.

"No, this is going to be my first one," Leah laughed a little.

"And you are starting with your back, damn," Cynthia laughed a little. "This is going to be cold I'm just prepping your back," She explained as she wiped her back. "Do you have a high pain tolerance?"

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine and once you start there's no going back so I will sit here and endure," Leah sighed as she felt her shave her back.

"It's not torture, if you want to stop we can stop, we don't want you to have to sit here and be tortured," Cynthia laughed a little. Leah wasn't going to get up off the table. She didn't give up. not about this. Her brothers had tattoos so she had to sit through this. Neither of them had spine tattoos, but they had many others. She was doing this as a tribute to her family and showing her brothers that she still isn't a little bitch.

Mind of Steel | Part two | L.N.Where stories live. Discover now