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Leah was seated at a metal table. A camera was set up in front of her and to her left. She waved at it a little. She watched as Cassidy walked into the room.

"I'm gonna get electrocuted," Leah leaned back and forth as Cassidy talked to a few other people before she came to sit down. They haven't spoken since Leah told her to leave. It wasn't one of Leah's finer moments, but she needed to have the conversation with someone.

"Alright," Cassidy sighed. "You ready?" Cassidy smiled a little. Today it was going to be the opposite. Leah was asking Cassidy the questions today.

"Yeah," Leah sighed as she tapped the cards onto the table. "Are you?" She pursed her lips as Cassidy laughed a little.

"I can lie, so this is going to be fun," Cassidy wiggled her eyebrows. Leah looked at the cards and laughed as she looked at Cassidy.

"You didn't make these did you?" Leah asked. Jackson appeared with a smile. "Oh, dear lord." She chuckled nervously to herself. "This is going to be the most unhinged interview I've ever done."

"But I'm answering the questions," Cassidy laughed as she pointed at herself. Leah nodded.

"Yeah," she breathed and looked at the first one. "Alright, starting off strong."

"Leah intro," Cassidy reminded her. Leah smiled at the camera.

"Right, so I'm going to be interviewing my lovely manager and best friend today to see if she really loves me or if it's all just pretend." Leha laughed to herself as Cassidy suddenly got quiet. "this could be the end of something. Alright!" She looked at the cards and smiled. "Do you think I'm a good driver?"

"Easy, by far, yes, you are one of the best drivers on the grid," Cassidy pointed at the camera. "Even with her loose-mindedness, she is still able to maintain focus and skill. So fuck off." Leah smiled and pointed at Cassidy.

"I want that on a T-shirt so when I go into press I can just point at it," Leah smiled at her. Cassidy nodded. "Describe me in four words?"

"Chaotic, calm, stubborn, and flexible." Cassidy sounded confident with her answers, but Leah just stared at her.

"What do you mean by flexible?" Leah whispered to her. Cassidy laughed a little. "Those were all contradicting adjectives! Do you know how these questions work?"

"Stop, stop, let me explain then. You are chaotic all the time, but you can also be scary calm in tense times," Cassidy gave her a knowing look and Leah agreed. "You are very stubborn most of the time, but when it comes down to it you are flexible. Like a chameleon, you go with the flow."

"Okay a chameleon and flexible are not the same thing," Leah laughed at her. "Alright, woman, are you my soulmate?"

"Oo, hit the heart with this one," Cassidy patted her chest. Leah smiled at her. "See just look at you, okay, I mean no I don't think I'm your soulmate. Maybe platonic, but I can't really claim that title that goes to you and Max. I have never seen someone with so many platonic soulmates in the entire world," Cassidy reasoned as she played with the bracelet Leah had made for her. "Your soulmate is defiantly Lando, two people who match perfectly."

"Did that hurt?" Leah asked as she touched her own chest. "I feel like that would hurt me to admit, that you love someone else more than me, but I'm selfish." Cassidy laughed at her.

"The moment I saw the way you and Lando look at one another I knew I wasn't a part of the running anymore," Cassidy told her. Leah smiled at her and reached across the table holding her hand.

"You'll always be my number one girl, I've got you," Leah told her. Cassidy nodded as her eyes watered. On the outside people would assume she was just being emotional over the question, but in reality. Cassidy was finally realizing that there was a possibility that she could lose her best friend. "If you ran into my younger self right now, what would you say to me? Oh, god," Leah looked over at Jackson. "Jacks, this might make me cry." Leah laughed a little.

"If I met younger you right now," Cassidy took a deep breath. "Oh god, I might cry, um," She took a deep breath. "I would tell her that she is doing the best she can for her age, she has come so far, but has so much ahead of her for the future. I would tell her it all works out in the end and that she will have dreams of her own one day. She won't always be in the dark." Leah smiled at her. "What do you think she would say to that?"

"Do you want the real answer?" Leah laughed.

"No, because she would give me a nod or tell me to fuck off," Cassidy laughed with Leah now as the two of them tried to catch their breaths.

"Oh my god, she totally would," Leah laughed a little. "That or she would just walk past you. I was terribly afraid of other people when I was little. I didn't talk to anyone else, but my mom and Cassidy." Leah wiped under her eyes as she let out a long breath. "Alright, alright, oo, what is my theme song?"

"There are so many, but the first one that comes to mind is Maneater," Cassidy nodded. Leah reached across the tabled and fist-bumped her.

"You know me so well, I was going to say something by lady gaga, like Judas or something by Lana Del Rey, but that has mad respect especially since I am a maneater. All these men on the grid can't keep up," Leah looked at the camera and nodded. "Yeah, I said what I said." She joked.

"Someone is going to take that out of context," Cassidy warned her. Leah just shrugged.

"Yeah, well I was told by someone extremely wise that everyone's going to hate me for something so might as well just do what I want," Leah pursed her lips and leaned forward as Cassidy did as well.

"Oh, she really said that?" Cassidy asked and Leah nodded as she smiled.

"I knew you would get that if I looked at you long enough," Leah laughed a little. Cassidy reached across the table with her pinky up and Leah locked theirs together. "Alright, last question. Am I a lot to handle?"

"Yes, alright let's go home," Cassidy tapped the table as she scooted her chair back, but it didn't move so instead it tipped back causing her to flip.

"Oh shit," Leah reached across the table for her hand but missed. Leah laughed and rushed around the table as she knelt down beside Cass the two started rolling on the floor from laughter.

"Oh my god!" Cassidy sat up and rubbed her face.

"That was instant fucking karma, tell them the truth," Leah laughed as she stood up and helped Cassidy up. Cassidy moved closer to the camera.

"Leah Guessey-Norris is the easiest person I've ever had to manage, she is also the only person I've ever had to manage. She is unproblematic and easy going which is good for a driver. She is the least emotional on the track, all the other men are more emotional than Leah here." Cassid stepped to the side showing Leah as she lifted Cassidy's chair off the ground.

"And that's on having two older brothers to teach you not to be a little bitch," Leah pointed at the camera. "Also all of your family is either dying or being toxic, you learn fast kids."

"Leah, they are going to have to bleep out everything you say," Jackson reasoned. Leah shrugged as she laughed a little.

"The testosterone is getting to her finally," Cassidy laughed as she took the cards from Leah's hands. Leah just started dancing.

"Sorry, I'm like hyper now," Leah said as she jumped up and down a little bit. Cassidy just stared at her and then looked at Jackson.

"Did she have a Red Bull?" She asked. Jackson shook his head and Leah looked at the camera.

"These are my parents," She shrugged and hooked arms with Cassidy as they walked out of the studio. Leah's stomach grumbled and Cassidy stared at her. "Food!" Leah put her fist up in the air like off the Breakfast Club.  Cassidy smiled and grabbed her arm putting it back down by her side.

  Cassidy smiled and grabbed her arm putting it back down by her side

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