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"So did you guys finally connect our radios?" Leah asked as she took a corner fast. They were still in the free practice before the sprint shootout. Leah didn't really like sprint races. They were fast and easy but could damage her car and didn't give her much points. It was mostly for the fan's entertainment.

"Yes, Leah," Isabella sighed. "But you are only allowed to use it during Qualifying or the actually grand prix when you both aren't occupied by other drivers."

"That sounds very specific, but doable, I love this!" Leah squealed as she went around another corner. "How much longer until the qualifying, I want to talk to Max. Wait can, I get this with Lando as well?" The silence was Leah's answer. "I fucking love everyone in that garage for making this possible."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just come back in we are getting ready to start qualifying," Isabella radioed back in as she turned her off and turned to Cassidy. "That was a horrible idea, we could get in so much trouble for that."

"Yeah, well what are they going to do to penalize her or something?" Cassidy smiled. "Also just wait and listen to how happy she will be that she gets to speak with them now."

"Zak is going to be pissed about this, just so you know," Isabella whispered. Leah came in and had her car checked before she was ready to go back out for the first session of Qualifying. They had to wait a while for the rain to clear off the track before they could start Qualifying once again. A strong rainstorm had swept in abruptly and they waited for ten minutes. Leah had just sat in silence in her car for that time waving at the camera and taking a drink while they waited.

"Have I told you all that I love you today?" Leah asked as she went back out into the pit lane. She watched an Alpha Tauri come out and almost smack her. "Dude! What the fuck! Oh shit is that Daniel?" Leah paused as she let the car go first. "Sorry, Danny boy."

"Good god Leah, just try and drive without an incident, we don't need you in trouble anymore," Isabella added.

"any more, am I already in trouble?" Leah asked as she got out onto the track staying to the outside as the other cars flew past. She had to warm up her tires. They went with Hard tyres first which sucked. "I hate these new rules as well, they are fucking stupid."

"Just drive Leah," Isabella rubbed her forehead. Leah took off as she flew around the corners. She hated being on Hard tires because they made her slower, which made her anxious.

"I need some Adele, someone sing me something please?" Leah asked as she got close to a wall. She whistled a little as she continued down the track. She could hear something hitting and the car was pulling to the right a little.

"How's the car?" Isabella asked ignoring Leah's first question.

"May have some damage, I didn't think I hit the wall though, it's probably my front wing is anything, I thought I'd cleared the wall," Leah sighed as she came around the corner seeing the blue flags waved. "Who the fuck is by me?" Leah asked as she kept her pace slowly trying to get out of the way so she could pit.

"Daniel really wants to sniff your ass today," Cassidy joked, but Leah didn't laugh.

"I just impeded on his fucking lap," Leah breathed as she pulled into the pits to get eth wing changed. "I'm not getting a good feeling guys." Her radio was silent until she got back out onto the track.

"Go for another flying lap, you need to go faster," Isabella reasoned. They were just informed that Leah will get a three-place grid penalty for impeding Ricciardo's lap and they are looking into the incident in the pit as well. Which would give her a five-grid penalty if they go through with that and believe it was her fault.

Mind of Steel | Part two | L.N.Where stories live. Discover now