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"My wife is leaving me!" Lando yelled as he held onto Leah's waist. She had to go meet Susie Wolf for a video with F1 Academy, aka where they kept all the female drivers. She was also meeting with Sophia Florsch and Tatiana Calderon.

"Lando, honey, you literally left me two days ago to fly to London," Leah chuckled as she ran her fingers through his hair. His head was pressed against her abdomen as he kept his hands clasped around her. "I will be back soon. I'm not leaving the country or anything. I will be back to make you dinner."

"I will be making dinner thank you very much, you deserve a nice meal and I know you are not leaving the country, but I'm gonna miss you," Lando leaned back keeping his hands on her waist. He was streaming right now, Leah came over to tell him goodbye, since she was having Cassidy come with her. They were supposed to be meeting at Susie Wolf's house office, which Leah assumed was huge. She'd met Susie only a few times when she drove for Mercedes Toto was the one she dealt with most of the time, but she remembered Susie being sweet. She was a girls girl.

"Baby, if I deserve a nice meal then you should go get us some takeout," Leah smiled as she leaned down to give him a kiss, but he leaned away from her and stared at his camera.

"Did you just hear what she just told me?" He looked shocked and then looked back at Leah who smirked at him.

"Alrighty then, I'm gonna go, I love you," Leah laughed as she pulled her keys out of her pocket and saw that Cassidy had texted that she was out front. "Bye Pip," Leah patted the cat's head as she walked for the door. Lando sat in his chair for a moment watching her walk out of the room.

"Oh shit," He jumped from the chair realizing that he never said bye or loved her back. "Leah!" He yelled and hugged her from behind as she laughed.

"Yes?" She waited for him to continue.

"I love you and I miss you and I will pick something up before you get back you just have to tell me what you are craving, cause I have no preference right now," Lando kissed her cheek a few times and then her neck as she giggled.

"Thank you, I love you most, no I really have to go, Cassidy is outside," Leah turned in his grasp and placed her hand on either side of his face rubbing his scruff a little bit.

"They want me to shave," Lando stuck out his bottom lip a little making Leah smile.

"Well, you can grow a sort of beard now so if you shave it'll grow back," Leah patted his face a few times and then gave him another long kiss before removing his hands from her waist.

"Can I come?" Lando asked as he followed her out. Leah just laughed and stood in the doorway. Cassidy saw her standing in the doorway and rolled down her window.

"It's a girl's thing, Lan, you are streaming anyway, stream with Max, he misses you dearly," Leah encouraged. Lando leaned against the doorway smiling at her.

"Get in my fucking car!" Cassidy laughed as Lando gave her a small wave and kissed Leah once more before watching her get into the car with Cass.

"Let's get going," Leah laughed as she quickly put her seat belt on. She saw that Cassidy had the directions pulled up on her phone.

"You two make me feel so lonely," Cassidy fake sobbed as she drove off waving at Lando as he closed the door.

"I'm sorry," Leah smiled as she adjusted the air vents pointing at her. "How is the move going?"

"Fine, Elizabeth loves her room and she loves the house, it's a lot easier to maneuver around too," Cassidy explained. Leah turned the radio up so it was softly playing while she allowed Cassidy to tell her about the visit with Mark earlier today. Apparently, he was going on medication and getting therapy so that he would be able to see Elizabeth without Cassidy being there. Cassidy said she was going to let Elizabeth stay with him until she can talk so she would be able to tell her if Mark did or said anything to her. Even then she was hesitant. Leah was as well.

Mind of Steel | Part two | L.N.Where stories live. Discover now