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"How have you been my dear?" Landos' Grandmother gave Leah a side hug. She was walking around with them. Lando was showing them around his paddock and Leah wanted to see them.

"I'm doing great, how are you?" Leah kissed the older woman's cheek getting a big smile in return.

"I'm happy, now that I get to see Lando and my grandaughter once again when has been the last time I got to see you both?" She asked as they walked with their arms linked.

"Probably around family Christmas so almost a year ago," Leah laughed a little. They did always have a busy schedule.

"That is too long my dear, too long, we will come to visit you both more often, I like to see my grand kitten too, little Pippin, that is such an adorable name," She smiled at Leah. The rest of the group was several steps ahead of her. She hadn't told any of them that she couldn't get pregnant or carry to full term. She didn't want any of them to feel bad or judge her. She knew they wouldn't judge, but it was one of her irrational fears.

"Leah! Leah!" She looked back to see Cassidy running for her. Leah's new bodyguards were still behind her a few ways back. Their names were Eric and Philip. She called them the princes because of their names. Prince Eric and Philip from Disney movies. She thought it was funny, no one else did.

"What's up? Time to go already?" Leah asked as Lando came to stand by her now as well as the rest of his family circling around.

"Yeah, Christina also needs to talk to you," Cassidy hunched over a little catching her breath.

"You could have just radioed Eric," Leah smiled and patted her friend's shoulder. Cassidy held up her middle finger and Leah laughed.

"It was good seeing you again, I will see you all after Quali," She quickly hugged Lando's grandparents and parents.

"See you later Baby, I love you," Lando kissed her quickly as she smiled at him.

"Get pole," She pointed at him as he smiled.

"I think you are more likely to get pole," He told her as they pinky promised before she was escorted back to her paddock as well. She saw Christian get off the phone and then he waved her over.

"Hey, you wanted to talk to me," Leah smiled at him, but Christian wasn't smiling.

"Yeah, after this, I would like you to get checked out by a doctor this evening, would you have time for that?" He asked as his eyes wandered behind her frantically like he was searching for someone.

"Uh, yeah, sure, but why?" Leah asked.

"It's just a concern that came up in our meeting, I know you've had your weekly checkups as well, but this one is going to be more in-depth," Christian patted her shoulder a few times. He took a deep breath. "Good luck out there today, go beat Max." He winked at her. She nodded and went back to her car getting ready. She put on her balaclava and zipped up her suit. Once her helmet was on she slid into her seat.

"You ready?" Isabella radioed. Leah gave her a thumbs up.

"Born ready Iz," Leah smiled as she put her visor down.

"You nervous?" Isabella asked. Leah was waved forward out of the pit lane and off she went. "You've got a lot of people here."

"I know," Leah laughed. "Are you trying to mess me up right now?"

"No, I was genuinely asking," Isabella smiled. "I love you, you know that right?"

"Of course, I do," Leah smiled. "Ready for a flying lap?"

"Clear to go," She radioed back. "Kill it." Leah smiled and took off. She make it around the 4th corner she had to slow down a bunch, the bad part about this track was that she couldn't get her speed out fast enough and she wasn't allowed to use DRS during Quali.

Mind of Steel | Part two | L.N.Where stories live. Discover now