~Chapter 1~

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Just realized that since I'm using all the character's beta designs (by all I just mean like Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus and stuff... Hunter is probably just a little older and taller cause I like his design lol.. also for some reason the beta Luz is 14? Even though the actual show she is already 14...

(And when I say beta design I mean before we got to see how they look in Watching and Dreaming)

Eda yawned and took the leash from the hook. She gently attached it to King's collar and they went out for their morning walk.

King was a rather energetic cat for a, well, cat, so they'd go on walks every morning.

Eda paused on the sidewalk when she heard small wailing and sniffles.

It was coming from an abandoned house close to the forest, and not too far from her own house.

Suspiciously, Eda poked her head into the house, and spotted them.

Two kids, one around eight and the other maybe ten or eleven.

The eight year old was clutching the ten year old tightly and was sniffling quietly.

Her rather pointy ears were slanted downwards and her big, brown eyes were filled with tears.

The ten year old was hugging her fiercely and cradling her.

He was a little taller than the younger girl. His hair was a little on the long side and there was a stray curl sticking out.

There was a scar on his cheek, and it seemed to be fresh, still raw and dripping with a bit of blood. His ears were also pointed and tilted downwards.

"..huh?" Was all Eda could muster.

The two kids shot up and looked at her. The girl whimpered and the boy hugged her tighter.

"Wh-who are you?" The boy cried.

Strange, Eda thought. His voice is pretty high pitched. Maybe he's a girl?

"What are you girls doing out here alone?" Eda questioned.

"I'm not a girl!" The blond one shouted.

Oh. OHHH. "Of course, I'm so sorry." Eda said. She stepped closer and the kids cautiously stepped back.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Eda said softly. "Where is your mommy?"

The girl sniffed and looked away.

"Oh.. Why don't you come with me? You look cold." Eda suggested.

The kids carefully followed her to her house. "I'll treat your wound, after you take a shower." She told the boy.

She brought them up and while they bathed, she set a room for them to sleep in.

Eda wasn't planning on becoming a mom, or guardian or whatever.

But how could she not?

They needed it.

And maybe... so did she.


"Morning Eda!" Luz greeted, swinging her red baseball bat idly while skipping down the stairs.

Eda grunted intelligibly from the couch.

"Morning King!" Luz added, picking up the sleepy cat.

King is a cat in the human au... period.

King yawned and hopped out of Luz's arms, scampering towards the kitchen.

Luz followed King curiously and walked into the kitchen. "Hey Hunter."

"Hm." He said tiredly, sipping coffee from a mug.

Luz glanced at his chest disapprovingly. "Hunter..." she said in a warning voice. "No bandages."

He shot up and glanced at Luz, panicked. "I- I didn't-" He sighed defeatedly. "What else am I supposed to do? We're going to start school tomorrow. Human school."

Luz's eyes widened. "...what."

"Eda doesn't have time to homeschool us anymore, she needs to work full time now." Hunter explained curtly. "And I'm not going to school with... with..."

Luz raised her eyebrows and gestured at his chest.

"That." Hunter finally concluded.

"Good thing my mail is arriving today!" Eda called from the living room.

"What mail?" Hunter asked, putting down his mug and walking to the couch.

King's eyes widened and he yowled, trying to grab the cup. "No King, bad boy!" Luz scolded.

She cradled him and joined Hunter and Eda in the living room.

'Ding dong!'

Eda glanced at the door. "Why don't you find out yourself, Kiddo?" She said to Hunter.

He walked to the door, confused, and came back even more so.

"What?" He muttered.

He opened the box and threw the bubble wrap away, King and Luz scrambling to pop it.

Hunter gasped loudly and Luz paused to turn around.

She nearly cried with him right there.

A binder.

"I..." Hunter said, choked voice.

He looked at Eda and back at the binder. Hunter threw himself against her and hugged her.

And he isn't a hugger.

"Thanks.." He mumbled, a little muffled by the couch.

Eda chuckled lightly. "After we wash it, you can try it on right away."

And that's what they did.


"Edaaaa. Edaaaaaaaaa." Luz groaned.

It was the first day of school, and she was waiting by the door with her brother.

Waiting for Eda, that is.

"What." The older lady finally said.

"Aren't you going to get ready and drive us?" Luz huffed.

"There's something called a school bus." Eda replied.

Luz rolled her eyes and stomped out the door, with Hunter behind her.

The got to said bus stop and rode to the school...

Hexside Academy.

Fancy. Luz noted casually as she stepped into the principal's office.

The principal, Principal Bump, glanced at Hunter and Luz. "You must be the new transfers." He said. "Here are your schedules. Have a good day."

They were pushed out of the room right after.

"Oh... okay." Luz straightened. "What's your first class, Hunter?"

"Doesn't matter, we're going to be in different classes anyway. I'm a 'Junior' and you're a 'Freshman'"

"Alright... well, see you at lunch."

Hunter nodded and stalked off in one direction, Luz in another.

That's all for my first chapter. There's going to be a lot more words in the next ones but there's just a few right now cause I am tired. (Theres less than 1k words, 996)

Comment what you think!

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