"Don't be angry at me fah, you know how life there is, I was really busy and occupied" Alayna responded.

"Busy and occupied with different men ko" Hameeda said.

"Kiyi hakuri mana (please don't be upset)" Alayna said.

"Toh naji ki, (okay I've heard), so why did you call me today" Hameeda asked knowing Alayna only calls her when she needs help or advice.

"Hameeda wlhi I need your help fah" she said.

"What happened?"  She asked.

"I'm back in Nigeria and in Aliyu's house, this man has cheated on me, his now married to another woman and the way he keeps treating her in my presence, Hameeda gaskiya I don't think there's any place left for me in his life" Alayna explained worriedly.

"Ah torh, you seff, didn't I tell you to keep your extra marital affairs away from him but you were busy saying you're just doing it to make him jealous and besides he loves he won't do anything now his married I hope you have seen the consequences ba" Hameeda said not ready to involve herself in Alayna matters again.

"Haba mana, how can you be talking like this, I called you because I know you'll have an idea on what I can do about it" Alayna responded.

"Me honestly, I don't know what to tell you, you've ruined all the chances with him it's better you just look for another man after all you're still young and beautiful any man would want you" Hameeda responded.

"Hameeda, I'm pregnant, I can't just leave him" Alayna said.

"Pregnant Kuma?, Who's the dad?" Hameeda asked knowing well Aliyu's not the father.

"It's one of my boyfriend's but his married and he has completely blocked me out of his life there's no way I can contact him and the doctor said if I should abort this I can loose my womb and I don't want that to happen, I've aborted 8 times now I can't afford to loose my womb" Alayna said.

"How many times have you gotten pregnant for Aliyu?" Hameeda asked.

"Just once but I miscarried it" she responded.

"While you were still married to him, when last did you two have sex?" Hameeda asked again.

"Omo, that man, since the first time he found out I was sleeping with other men he completely stopped being intimate with me and that was I think 4/5 years ago" Alayna responded.

"Haaa, how many months is your pregnancy?" She asked.

"4 months" Alayna responded.

"The last time he had sex with you was 4/5 years ago, and his aware of your extra marital affairs and you come back to his house 4 months after your divorce with a 4 months old pregnancy and you want him to believe his the father, Alayna let me ask you, do you have sense at all abi you lost everything in Dubai?" Hameeda said trying her best not to be rude.

"Hameeda are you now judging me?, I called you here cause I know you're my friend and you can help me and now look at what you're saying" Alayna complained

"I'm not judging you oo, I just don't know if you're thinking at all, this man knows you very well and is well aware of all the things you did when he was married to you, do you think his that dumb to accept a pregnancy he knows well enough his not responsible for" Hameeda said.

Arman and Assar.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن