“Tigerclaw, a word” Aruma reappeared Tigerclaw popped out of the room only to gasp. None other than a clan was fighting their own clans below. 


Oroku Saki looked up from his conversation with Raphael and Leonardo only to hear Yoshi’s shout, he moved on the double only to hear the sound of fighting. He gasped only to turn and find himself surrounded. 

“Who are you?!” Saki demanded to know as he moved to the floor below and addressed the room.

“We are the Takso Clan and we demand to see Raphael Hamato-Saki” one of the dressed warriors spoke up. Saki glared especially when he noticed that they had a prisoner, Leah was in handcuffs and she was fighting back while a bigger man held her and laughed when she squirmed away from him. 

“HALT!” Saki ordered the clans in the room. All the ones who had blended stopped and looked to their leader as they backed away from the Takso Clan. 

“Yes, indeed listen to a traitor to the Clans” a teasing voice had attention turned to an older woman who had black hair with blue stripes amongst it and wore an obnoxious amount of jewellery, she had a staff which was clearly deadly and wore a coat made out of animal fur. Alopex almost threw up seeing it was fox fur.

“Who are you and why are you here?!” Saki demanded. 

“Oh, my apologies. My name is Sharlto, I am the leader of the Takso Clan and I am here for the wedding of my son and your grandchild who claims to love my son” Sharlto said with a grin, Saki gasped seeing the six foot man next to his much smaller grandchild. The man was a monster compared to Leah, who whimpered when the man touched her. From stories Yoshi knew one thing, this wasn’t the man that Leah claimed to love because the said individual she spoke about was her age and a boy. 

“I don’t grandpa, they killed Tyronne” Leah cried out only to be slapped, her body fell to the floor. Saki glared, he moved forward only for Yoshi and Tigerclaw to stand in front of him, stopping him from advancing. 

“This wedding will only not take place if Raphael Hamato-Saki hands over the crystal he stole from us all of them years ago” Sharlto said with an evil laugh unaware of the eyes watching from the shadows. Leah grimaced, she had fresh tears as the man whispered something making her whisper and try to get away from the man. 

“Or we do things the harder way” Another voice joined the conversation belonging to Leonardo, he was holding his katana tightly. 

“Oh no, my dear. There will be no more fighting. We do not do that unless we fight to make our mates submit” Sharlto said with a grin, Leo only glared, connecting eyes with his daughter. “Tell me, you are Raphael’s mate, tell him to submit to my proposition otherwise we will take your daughter back to our camp and I will make sure she has about four mates for the night and if she survives I will double it and…argh!” Sharlto gasped as a shuriken sliced her hand making her back away from Leonardo as two individuals landed on either side of Leonardo.

“Ah, the wonder twins. I was wondering when the two of you would join” Sharlto laughed, turning to catch her second in command's eyes when she found herself opposite a furious emerald eyed individual. 

“Ah, Raphael. I was wondering when you would be joining. Now hand over the crystal or you lose your daughter for life and she can join her twin” Sharlto demanded. Everyone watched as Raphael only crossed his arms looking very bored. “What are you waiting for?” she asked only for Leah to gasp when the blade was pressed into her skin. 

“Nothing, I’m just trying to get a read on you as to why you feel the need to do this?” Raphael questioned, his humoured tone reminding the rest of them of a certain fox who had passed on.

Our Little Miracle (LeoxRaph Story) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now