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You: His mother?! Yoongs we need to go back!

He blocks my hand pressing any buttons on the elevator 

Yoongi: He's been through this many times over the years

You: We can't just leave him with her!

Yoongi: Y/N please calm down... you can't be stressed right now

You: Well I am stressed! We're leaving my husband with a women who manipulates him, makes him feel guilty and uses him for money! 

Yoongi: We won't leave the building, we'll just go and sit in the lobby, okay?

You: Why did he make us leave?

Yoongi: He probably doesn't want you to meet her 

We leave the elevator and walk out into the lobby and the staff all scramble 

We go and sit on one of the big sofas and a member of staff comes over

Staff: Good afternoon Mr Min, can I help you with anything?

Yoongi: Actually yes, can you please get in contact with the staff in my penthouse and ask them to tell you if any shouting or anything hostile starts to happen and tell me instantly, I'd also just like updates with all ongoing 

Staff: Of course sir 

He leaves and goes behind the desk to sort Yoongi's request

Yoongi: See, now we'll know if anything happens and I can run back up

You: Why is she here? She's not showed up since I've known him

Yoongi: She does this, she'll vanish or be in rehab for a week or 5 years, who knows. But she hunts JK down eventually when she wants something and pretends to be a mother again for a little bit 

You: And she's not a Jeon?

Yoongi: Jeon is Jungkook's fathers name, they were never married so she's Miss Choi 

Yoongi looks towards the staff member for an update

Staff: Sir, Mr Jeon and Miss Choi are sitting in the living room talking...

Yoongi: Thank you

You: I don't like this, I have a bad feeling. I don't think she should be alone with her

Yoongi: Neither do I but we have to let him have some space with her too 

You: Why do we? I'm his wife, I need to protect him just as much as he protects me Yoongs. I would do exactly the same for you. I'm going back up...

I stand and Yoongi stands in front of me towering above me and not letting me move

You: Min Yoongi... don't test me

Yoongi: What's your plan eh? Bust in and pull her out by her hair?

You: Sounds good, let's go!

I just bump into him and he doesn't budge 

You: I can't leave him Yoongi! PLEASE! 

He leans his head back, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath

Yoongi: For fuck sake 

He stands to the side and lets me past and follows behind me, we get inside the lift and I press the button rapidly 

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