Feeling nervous Y/n?

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Getting inside the taxi,you couldn't help yourself from tapping your foot nervously against the cars floor,you couldn't hold your exitment for what was waiting for you.

The documents Zoe had handed you,were from Tokyo's police station,about an invastigation that would take place in Egypt, probably in the pyramids?,that's what you assumed.Out of your exitment you didn't get to memorize most of the information and kept in mind only the most important stuff.

Once the taxi parked outside your mansion,you rushed out and threw a pile of cash though the drivers window before running off,the driver was stunned as he looked at the money thrown on his lap.It was ten times more than what he required as a payment!

"AH-!YOUNG LADY! YOUR CHANGE!,WAIT!",he called out to you but you were arleady running towards your mansions gates that were slowly opening welcoming you.

"Keep it!",you smiled and waived him goodbye before running towards the mansion after greeting your two bodyguards at the enterance.After you passed through them,the guards looked at each other,both of them with the same question.How come you were so happy?

After entering the mansion,the doors were closed by the bodyguards and after hearing them closing,the maids knew you had arrived back from work.They were all confused on why you were so early,you were off from work earlier than usual.

"Y/n!, you're early today! Welcome home!",an elderly maid came up to you with a warm hug and you gladly returned it.

"Yes,I was off from work earlier today".

"I'm glad, we've prepared everything around the mansion and we are at your service.Do you want us to do something special for celebration?"

"Oh..,I-I actually have...other plans.."

"Hm?Won't we celebrate for your summer vacation starting from tomorrow? You were waiting for it and kept telling us how you were going to celebrate when the time came!,are you sure?"

"I know, you're right..,I was exited about it..Until something came up.. Something important that I must attend to.."

"What!,don't tell me they gave you another dangerous mission?Y/n!",the maid scolded you and you smiled at her.

"Nope!,it won't be a dangerous mission,so you don't have to worry about me!This time I'm even looking forward to it!,it will be in Egypt and you know how much I love it's history!"

"Egypt?!,Y/n that's really far away!"

"I know!,but that's what make it more exiting!",you held her hand between yours as you jumped in exitment.Your maid was concerned about your safety but seeing you so happy softened her heart and made her tensed bosy relax a bit.

"Arlight, arlight..,I trust you,Y/n",the maid reached her hand out and gently cupped your cheek stroking it with her thumb."You're so adventurous..,just like your father.I remember him being like this every time before he went to his journeys with your mother",she chuckled warmly and you smiled back.

"Yeah..,he was..Until that mission in Egypt..",you sighed and the maid's smile slowly dropped seeing the sadness in your eyes.

"That's why I'm afraid for you to go there Y/n..,I..I'm worried about you.."

"Don't worry Nancy,there is no way something like that happens again.Bedides,I'm the only one who can help with that mission and it's time we find that treasure.My parents weren't able to do it,but I will".

The maid could clearly see the determination sparkling in your eyes,she nodded and both of you smiled at eachother."I believe in you Y/n",she retreated her hand and turned around.Clapping her hands together twice,the other maids came forward and stood in a straight line next to each other,young and old women in their long maid suits smiled and bowed at you before waiting for Nancy's orders.

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