Day 1 the date

7 2 0

In the four years that I've been sick I've never looked forward to anything but today I'm curious to see what Ezekiel has up his sleeve. He doesn't look at me like I'm dying or fragile. He treats me like a regular person and that's all I want. This is my first date since my breakup with Jason and there's an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I know I'm different now, I'm older and much less impressed by the things that would have impressed 17 year old me.

'Layyan can we talk for a second' my mom says from outside my door.

'Come on in' I say and she walks through my open door looking around my room. She takes a seat on my bed and I turn to look at her.

'I know we butt heads most of the time, it's because we are so much alike' she says laughing and I look at her noticing she's aged in just four years her eyes have wrinkles around them and her head is covered in grey strands, she looks tired.

'Your dad told me about Cherry's grandson, we did a background check on him he's clean, but I'm still worried it's my job to worry Layyan. I'm always worried if you're over working yourself or if you get too excited. I'm worried if you'll wake up one day and go on a killing spree. I'm worried if you'll even wake up one day' she says to me and I can hear the hurt in her voice.

'So just be honest with me and tell me what's going on with this boy' she says and I nod.

'I'm not really sure myself but he seems interested in me as a person not me as a sick person' I say and she sighs.

'And is this what you want?' she asks and I nod.

'I have nothing to lose, I'm always cautious and kept in a corner I want to do things, go places live a little' I say to her and she brushes a strand of her hair behind her eyes with a small smile.

'You have everything to lose, your life should mean everything to you' she says to me and I huff.

'It means more to you than it means to me' I say and she wakes up nodding at me.

'If you want to die, go ahead, I'm not going to stop you I have Luca I need to focus on' she says walking away.

'You'll just make him want to kill himself' I say and she turns to look at me like I've just slapped her across the face, I can see her heart breaking in her eyes and she walks away. It may seem harsh but it's the truth and if she loves Luca the way she loves me she's going to need to find a different way. It's like the love a servant has for their master, undying, unshaken and unrequited.  

It's only 6:30 pm and Ezekiel said he'd be here by 7 I should probably change, I open my closet and skim through the endless amount of clothes. I settle for a blue long dress I bought online a few months ago I pair the dress with black sandals. I don't wear makeup anymore, so I decide to put mascara, eyeliner and a little bit of gloss. I do a quick once over in the mirror and I look a little bit like the old me just sick. I decide to let my long black curly down and I wear small hoop earrings. 

He should be here by now it's already 7:15 I head downstairs to find my dad and brother on the couch watching the animal planet and they both look at me when I stand their then they exchange looks between each other and nod. There's a knock on the door and before I can react Luca jumps up and runs towards it, I just stare him. He opens the door to reveal Ezekiel in a black suit with roses in his hand and I give him questioning look.

'A suit and flowers how original' Luca says sounding unimpressed and my dad laughs from the couch.

'Go easy on him' my dad yells laughing as Ezekiel enters and he doesn't take his eyes of me.

'These are for you' he says handing me the flowers and kissing me on the cheek.

'This is your grand plan? flowers and a suit with a kiss on the cheek' I ask placing the flowers on the small table near the door and he laughs.

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