An exchange of words!

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I spend most of my days in bed slowly withering away and this drives my parents up the wall but my will to live has been reduced. Today isn't any different except for the fact that I need to deliver a few amazon orders luckily most of them are within walking distance. I slog out of bed and stare at myself in the mirror. The chemo really did a number on me, I lost weight drastically and my boobs seem to sag a little you can see my rib cage slightly I somehow still kept my good facial features, my almond shaped eyes and long lashes with full cheeks and dark skin.

I leave my room and head downstairs to kitchen where I'm greeted by my mother.

'Hey honey, any plans for today?' she asks me and I nod taking a seat on the stool in the kitchen.

'Yeah, I just need to deliver some orders around town' I say and she looks at me a little worried and I roll my eyes.

'Calm down my heart won't give up on me now' I say and she shakes her head disapprovingly.

'That's a sick joke' she says to me and I huff.

'I'm sorry okay' I say and she hands me a glass of orange juice with my meds.

'Here you go, make sure you dress warm' she says to me before kissing me on the head and I nod.

'Ask Luca to drive you if you don't want to walk' she says and I shake my head.

'He has practice plus I'm not a child, I might be sick but there's things I can do' I say to her and my dad walks into the kitchen looking between us and she gives him a look which means I'm being stubborn.

'What is it now Lay?' he says to me and I roll my eyes.

'Ask your wife' I say and my mother clicks her tongue at my comment and he looks at her waiting for an explanation.

'Ask your daughter' she says to him and I shake my head.

'Real mature' I say walking away and I hear their hushed voices. I know they are arguing about me. I head back to my room and turn on my laptop I've been taking classes at an online university to past time until I feel a little better to actually start attending classes physically, I'm doing a diploma in modern fashion and arts. There's a knock on my door and my dad opens it coming in.

'Lay what's going on?' he asks taking a seat on my bed and I don't face him.

'What did she say?' I ask and he sighs.

'Your mother isn't your enemy she's just trying to protect you' he says and I turn to face him.

'Protect or suffocate me?' I ask and he smiles sadly.

'You don't know how it was for her when you were going through chemo then when you really got sick after that, it was like she was the sick one' he says to me and I blink in response.

'She's always scared for you Layyan, always' he says to me.

'I get that but this bubble she's trying to force me in to, it's like I'm drowning all the time dad she needs to take a step back I need to think, to breath' I say and he nods slowly.

'Just try to understand her, her daughter almost died' he says and I shake my head waking up.

'I'm her daughter, I almost died' I say calmly and he wakes up walking towards me with a sad smile.

'My strong little girl, I'll talk to her' he says hugging me and I nod into his chest.

'I'll get going but take it easy today will you' he says walking out and I sigh. I take a quick shower and change into sweats and a hoodie that I pair with Uggs, this right here is a Prostar outfit folks. I stare at myself in the mirror trying to figure out if I want to be the hero or villain today my staring contest is short lived when my brother comes barging in.

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