I'm shocked he just does as I ask, he starts taking off Jungkook's underwear and his own

He moves to the edge of the bed and uses one hand on himself and the other on Jungkook and I fucking love it 

Jungkook's mouth motions change completely where he is getting pleasured at the same time 

He moves his face so he can talk to me

Jungkook: Y/N... I'm going to open my mouth and leave my tongue out, I want you to fuck my face... grind on me, do whatever feels good... okay?

I nod at him and wait for him to get fully under me again and I start to move my hips back and forth over his tongue 

My moans are loud and sharp, this feels incredible

I can feel myself pushing down harder against his face because it's making me lust for more but I can also feel him encouraging it pulling down on my hips

I start to rub against him, I'm going to cum so quick

I keep looking back and watching Yoongi too and it's making me so wet seeing him wank himself and Jungkook knowing they're getting pleasure too

You: Oh fuck, Jungkook! 

I keep hearing "mmmm" from down between my legs from him

You: I'm gonna fucking cum! Oh my god!

He gives my ass a hard slap and I feel my orgasm taking over my body

I let out some strong moans and Jungkook knows I'm cumming as I slow my movements so he starts moving his mouth again and licking my clit just as fast as I was grinding to keep it going 

Once he knows I'm done he doesn't hesitate to push his tongue inside me for a minute or so 

He then pulls it out and he sucks hard on my clit suddenly and then I realised it's because he's orgasming

I look back to watch and see his cum going everywhere on his stomach and the bed, it looks like Yoongi had already cum too 

I slowly get off of his face and fall to the side, all three of us lay panting on the bed 

Jungkook: What a trio we are...

We all giggle together 

You: Yoongs that was so hot...

Yoongi: Glad you enjoyed it

Jungkook: I enjoyed all of it! 

You: We need to change the bedding though

Jungkook: You don't want to sleep in our spunk?

You: Not particularly, you need to shower too! You two go and shower and I'll change the bedding

They both get up and head towards the bathrooms and I sort everything and we eventually get some rest


We've been trying for a baby for about 3 months now, I didn't realised how disheartening it would be when you get a negative test or your period shows up

Jungkook and Yoongi have both been amazing though and keeping me sane and understanding it won't just happen instantly because we want it to

Yoongi has bought me an ovulation test kit, but a good one which is electronic and more accurate, I wanted to try with nothing but I think this will help just incase my dates are off, not that we haven't just been having sex constantly anyway, but still 

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