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Climbing his way out of the rubble of the belltower, Lancard was glad to see that nobody believed in god anymore. The interior of the church was now covered in destroyed stone, mangled metal, glass, and the corpse of what was once the bell. He felt some of his strength drain away as his wounds healed up, seeping under the skin quickly, and leaving no hint of injury in their wake. He picked up his polearm and scattered to the other side of the elegant, crumbled hall. As expected, Caroline followed him inside, slamming into the mangled metal of the bell like a meteor, denting its surface with her massive body.

"You could've hurt someone Caroline!"

"A bunch of humans getting squished in one of their churches? Pity." She said sarcastically "do you even know who these churches were for? Does the cross on the wall even ring a bell? Or the language written in the books?" she scoffed "No... you wouldn't... and neither would your great, great, great, grandfather... but I do... and It's a burden I didn't sign up for..."

She levelled her devastating blunderbuss again, and Lancard knew he had to respond to it or he'd be a smear on the cathedral wall. He over armed his poleaxe forward, clipping the barrel and aiming it upwards as she pulled the trigger. In a moment, the remainder of the roof caved in, and Lancard took the opportunity to pick up his weapon and ram his body through a wall to safety.

He smirked as he realised Caroline was not so lucky. The kirk collapsed on her, and her anguished wails could be heard from inside as she was pummelled by an entire cathedral's worth of silver, marble, and wood. The captain wheezed from the exertion, all that gunk starting to lose its shine, and he looked over his shoulder at the hospital across the street.

Caroline screeched like a strangled banshee and tore the rubble off of her with hulking arms. Her back and chest were pincushioned by metal, the rims of stained glass windows and chandeliers stuck through her body like she was saving them for later. With her right hand, which seemed to be missing a few fingers, she grabbed her jaw and clicked it back into place with a squelch.

"A storm follows me every second of every day, smiting me with divine vengeance if I so much as think about looking up. If God could kill me, don't you think that one of them would've done the job?" She stepped over a broken, wooden, cross on the ground, sneering at the ruined imagery around her "What makes you think that dropping one of his empty houses is gonna put me down?"

Caroline leapt towards him immediately, dragging her axe across the ground and swinging it for his neck as he leapt away. He cleared the slash completely, but was quickly hailed with the volley of chips and stones, dragged from the ground by the blunt bastard she carried with her. They made craters in his chest, denting his ribs and tearing holes in the flesh of his arms. She continued her advance, and ignored Lancard as he swung his polearm mid-air and embedded it into her throat. Would've cut her head clean off if he had some solid ground to stand on.


She reached a hand forward and Lancard cut his losses, thumping his boot against her chest and hurling himself backwards into the air, narrowly avoiding her crushing grasp. Frantically, he latched onto the second floor window of the hospital, hands beginning to fail him. He looked out onto the spires and alleys, then locked his eyes on the roof of an abandoned bakery across the street. Caroline grinned wickedly, knowing better than to blindly leap after him.


Instead, she threw her axe, watching it arc through the air and spur him into bounding early. Lancard soared just as the metal impacted the bricks he was standing on, shredding them down to dust in the air while he made his escape.


With his trajectory now locked in, Caroline could attack with no chance of him escaping. She leapt directly upwards, intercepting Lancard with a cackling laugh. He whirled once again and tried for the gash in her throat, but she held a meaty arm up and weathered the blow with her bicep. She grinned even wider at the look of shock on his face, showing off her bloodied teeth and letting the hair on her face part slightly, giving him a good look at the grisly sight behind it. Then, while he hovered in disbelief that she'd do such a thing to herself, she grabbed him with her huge, terrible, hand of doom, squeezed his chest for good measure, then threw him full force into the hospital.

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