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Havelock's body could not withstand so much concentrated filth billowing up inside him, his skin ruptured, his veins burst, his eyes bled, but just as soon as they did so, he repaired them as fast as he wanted, all of him at all times was one with the dust he bled and ate, remaking and revivifying every second. He aimed his arm down at the Leviathan below and fired, creating a diagonal intersection between the two buildings. He didn't want to pull himself down, too quick, too uncoordinated, so he anchored the other end of the wire to the gargoyle, nestling it in its spindly arms. Now, he had created a line straight from the hospital to his enemy, a very fun ride down.

"Havelock, stop! This can't be good for you!" Lancard shouted, but his words fell on deaf ears

He leapt onto the wire, riding it down the building like an improvised zipline, wearing into his boots and feet as he balanced like a cat. The speed and momentum were more than immense, the winds tore at his ill-formed body, leaving a trail of fumes in his wake as he screamed down towards the leviathan, although he couldn't tell who was screaming, was it the wire or himself? Did he even have a mouth? With Lancards polearm in his left hand, gripped at the very back, even between two fingers, the weight of the weapon was so insignificant that he thought he may have left it on the roof.

As Havelock careened down the wire, in his right hand he drew his repeater and allowed some of his excess filth into the mechanisms of the weapon, coating its internals, blocking the passageways, creating an airtight seal within. With a twang, he leapt off the line and began to glide through the air like a hawk in the night, soaring victoriously towards the tentacled horror in his way, he aimed his repeater behind himself and fired, shooting no projectile, but generating a blast of air pressure so powerful, it sent him into a propelled, vertical spin. Using the weight of the polearm and the momentum of the motion, Havelock became a blade wheel, tearing through the air and in one clean cut, sliced off one of the Kraken's tentacles right at the root near its head. The massive, suckered limb fell to the ground and lost its grip on the windows of the church, causing the creature itself to begin a slow descent to the hard ground, with a low, screech of terror, the monster fell with a earth shaking thud, kicking up dust, powder, and plenty of filth.

With a crack, Havelock landed on his feet, his legs bent at strange angles, but almost as if straightening his knees out, he simply rose to his full height and they went back into shape. Now they were all standing on gods soil, and they could fight like he intended. Caroline looked stressed, a single bead of bloodied sweat trickled from her brow, but she hid it with a well-timed scowl.

"I've been telling you that filth is bad for ya... I'd never touch the stuff,"


With one hand, Havelock cycled the repeater, swinging it around, dancing the lever over his fingers, then levelling it at Caroline.


Another powerful burst of air pressure erupted from the barrel, loudly blasting Caroline with a whipping wind that knocked her off her feet and sent her screeching across the road. With all the grace and elegance of an anglerfish, she slammed horizontally into a streetlamp, making a dent in the solid metal and her spine all at once. Before Havelock could breathe easy though, he felt the minute movements of the Kraken, and seamlessly predicted its next attack via the filth in its veins, he closed his eyes and jumped several metres into the air, letting the sweeping swipe of a tentacle scrape past him easily. When he landed, he took his weapon and spun once more, shredding anything within a 6 foot radius of himself, tearing up ground and spraying himself with Kraken blood. Furious and cornered, the monster thrashed at him with the few limbs it had left, tearing into his body, twisting his limbs, blinding him, breaking his bones. Havelock simply stood there and took it, for as soon as any wound was made, it was forgotten just as quickly. Sif saw all of this with her eyes, but more so she felt it, deep within herself, she could feel how dense Havelock had become, like that moon in the sky, he was akin to a singularity of essence.

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