Trinkets and Filth

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She inhaled sharply, an internal hiss as Havelock leaned over her, working his magic. Every time his fingers touched her, running over the surface of her body, Sif could only breathe, there was no need for words. With her elbows resting against his bathroom sink and with her fists clenched, Havelock pierced her skin time and time again with a stinging pain as he drew thick sutures across her back.

"Usually this is painless, but the needle and thread are a bit thicker this time,"

"...It's bearable, I've had..." She seethed through her teeth as he drew a portion of her flesh closed, as soon as he stopped, she let out a held breath "...worse..."

"Just a few more," Havelock eased, fighting the urge to plant his boot on her and tighten her spine up like a corset "You might just be the best patient I've had, far more cooperative than a corpse,"

"Huff... thanks, I.... I try," She grit her teeth and held on to the side of the sink, every time he punctured her skin, he really had to push through, having such a thick hide was no gift when it could still feel pain

"That's for sure, I've always wanted to give out chocolates as a treat, but the folks who come into my office generally aren't in a position to eat them,"

"Haha... shame..." She struggled through the words "can't eat chocolate,"

He stopped stitching. No way, the apex predator of all wolves was still allergic to cocoa?

"Havelock? Why'd you stop?"

He resumed "Nothing, I actually think I'm nearly out of chocolates anyway, I'll have to find something else,"

"Mhm, we nearly done?"

"Just one last thing..." He tugged on the final thread, zipping Sif up from the back like a big, scary plushie "Done, now we just have to dry you off, how do you usually deal with the fur situation?"

Sif straightened up and let out a sigh of relief, there was something visceral about feeling Havelock pull the flesh of her back together, even if she had experienced worse or done worse to others, healing manually was arduous and painful, but at least when Havelock was concerned, she supposed it was better than... well, the normal way.

He threw a towel over her and brought her into the next room, the sopping hound had begun to feel the morning chill now that the thrill of being laced up was over, she wondered, perhaps at the base of her neck did Havelock tie her stitches in a little bow? She shivered at the thought, as soon as she saw Havelock attempting to get the living room fireplace going, she sat down in front of it and resigned to watch the embers feast as her hunter meandered around the room putting things in place.

"You said you'd give me something," She said abruptly, her eyes reflecting the dancing flame

"Um, I suppose?"

"And you were thankful when I didn't resist while you collected your data from me,"

"Also true, where are you going with this?" He asked as he put away the teacups

"I am now in a position to make demands," She said, mimicking his statement from not long ago

He frowned, but chose not to respond harshly, if it was something easy and simple then why not keep his subject happy.

"Well, in a way, I suppose you could be-"

"I want my things,"

There was a beat, their easy back and forth had been cut like silk ribbon, he supposed it was back to business now..

"You have things?"

"I do," She said almost defiantly, her disposition having changed like night and day compared to their banter in the bathroom

Silver Hound, Black Moonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن