Green rabbit meets the white archmage and his shield

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Author's Note: After a long time, my cousin visited me from Italian, in our meeting we remembered the old times when we punched each other for the stupidest reasons and watched Yu Gi Ho Zexal every Saturday.

Then, we talked about Anime, it seems that being nerds is something genetic in the family.

This is demonstrated by the fact that our younger brothers also participated in the discussion.

Anyway, our chat involved My Hero Academy and Fate-verse, inspiring me to do this story.


Story title: The New King of Heroes: Servant, Master and Deku

Synopsis: Because of a bottle that never dropped and a bet between Zelretch and the King in Black of Chaldea.

Izuku's fate is about to take a bizarre turn, filled with supernatural dangers, a host of eccentric characters, and several journeys to unexpected places.

Izuku will not only have to learn to become a hero, he will also have to learn to survive the madness of Chaldea and their Master.


Story Arc: Welcome to a world of superheroes

Episode 1: The nomadic hero (I)

Chapter 1: Green rabbit meets the white archmage and his shield


POV Narrator

There was a dark empty space, nothing could be seen in either direction, however, there was one person in this void, one person who had a tan colored coat, black boots, and a book in his left arm.

The person holding the book is a young man in his early twenties, wearing a faded gray jacket with off-white cuffs, silver buttons, black trousers and strappy leather boots, and a red scarf.

He also wears a hood, which is part of the tunic, with which he covers his face as well as his hair, but his mouth and nose are visible, albeit barely.

He smiled before removing the hood, revealing his black hair slicked back and gray eyes.

The gray-clad Prophet looks towards an invisible audience that only he is able to perceive and interact with.

"Greetings, dear readers, I am Woz, the scribe and chronicler of the greatest Demon King who ever lived." declares Woz, proud of his position and the master he serves.

" So far I have told you the right story of my glorious king. But today I want to delve into the possible alternative paths of my Waga Maou." Woz declares, in a tone full of curiosity, opening the book, preparing to tell a new story.

"Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path.

It's a prism of endless possibilities, where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know.

I am your guide through these vast new realities.

Follow me, and ponder the question...

What if... a bottle never fell?

What if... Izuku Midoriya missed his chance to become the Peace Sign hit?

What if... Zelretch sent Chaldea to the Pro-Hero World?

What if... Izuku Midoriya was taken under the wing of the King in Black of Chaldea? Woz asks, revealing the contents of his book to an unseen audience.

The pages showing a drawing of a boy with messy green hair grabbing the hand of a person surrounded by Heroic Spirits.

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