Chapter Two: Regret?

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Milo's POV

Silence fills the car as we make our way home. It's been a long-ass day, and I for one can't wait to just fall in bed and pass the fuck out. The tension in the car, however, tells me it might not be that easy.

After a few more moments of unbearable silence, I clench my jaw and sigh harshly before opening my mouth to speak. Before I can say anything, Ashton breaks the silence.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?"

I eye him before taking a peek at Drax through the rearview mirror. He keeps his eyes forward and focused on the road, barely narrowing them in annoyance at Ashton's words.

"I guess you guys thought things were going well, but she was a bitch. She wasn't right for us."

Still, he's met with silence. Even Rolland is staying silent, and he always takes Ashton's side.

I want to say something, but at the same time, I don't even know what I would say.

"When you guys went to the kitchen, and she asked me to help her with the plates, she... just said some stuff. I'm sorry, really, okay?"

I close my eyes and shake my head, rubbing at my temple with my pointer and middle finger as I lean against the window.

"I can leave." Ashton finally whispers after a few more silent moments. "I'll go, and—and maybe then you'll be able to find an Omega."

Rolland turns from the front passenger seat with a huge frown, eyebrows pinched together in concern. "Ashton, no—"

"What did she say? What did you say to make her say it?" Drax finally speaks, shooting a glance at him and then me through the rearview mirror.

I turn my head to see him better, raising an eyebrow.

"I only asked if she liked all of us. That's it. I literally said, "We've been looking for an Omega like you for a while. How do you feel about us?", and she just kinda... stared at me for a minute and then laughed. She said... that she liked you guys just fine, but that I wasn't worth her time. So..." Ashton sighs, though it sounds more like a groan as he clenches his teeth. "I told her that if she didn't like us all, then she got none of us. It was stupid, I know, and I'm sorry—"


Ashton looks at me in confusion before turning back so he can watch the side of Drax's face. "Okay?"

"Obviously she wasn't the one for us. I apologize for my temper with you. You're our family, and we aren't going to just shove you out to make an Omega fit. If we have an Omega out there, then she'll fit in perfectly without us having to change our family."

I let out a sigh of relief, my shoulders relaxing. It's not that I thought Drax would actually want Ash to leave, but with the ways things have been lately...

"Yeah, man. Her pecan pie was shit anyway, and the way she cooked the steak," Rolland trails off, sticking his tongue out and fake gagging. I smirk and laugh through my nose, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yea. The mashed potatoes were watery and her scent was... it was nice, but it got to be kind of too much within the first hour. I don't know how I'd handle that smell twenty-four-seven."

Ashton smiles, but I can tell it's forced. He shrugs and looks out the window. "Thanks, guys. I'll... try to do better. I know it would be easier if I were an Alpha. We'd've found her by now, most likely."

"But you're not, and what I said before still stands." Drax firmly states. "You are what you are and there's no changing it. And you're perfectly fine the way you are, idiot."

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