Lession Learned.

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Heya! Tw this chapter will have a small mention of emotional abuse.

I do not condemn the actions of emotional abuse and warn those who are not comfortable with the topic to be advised. Now, it's up to you to read it or not! :D

Today was pretty fun, despite me getting suspended.

"Goodnight, sweetie." Mama was by the wooden door, her long brunette hair that reached behind her back. Her eyes were bright red just like my own as she softly smiled at me closing the door slowly.

"Night, Mom!" As the door closed, I pretended to yawn.

"Greetings frisk, mind explaining how you're here?' Before closing her eyes, she nestled comfortably in her blanket. While Frisk was sitting in front of the screen, an error sign appeared on it. She had shoulder-length brown hair and was wearing her usual pink and purple striped shirt. They raised their faces and looked at me intently. "I don't know. One day, I simply woke up and found myself here. I saw you, observing as you went about your days."

With a mocking tone, she sneered, "....? What do you recall? Can you sense the sins you've unleashed?" Although Chara was aware that Frisk was not responsible for those sins, her lack of trust in Frisk remained undisturbed.

Frisk nodded their head slowly, feeling uneasy about the question."yeah...I do remember a few Chara."

"A few?" She speaks.

They looked away.

"I remember killing Papyrus..and that he believed in me. I remember feeling like no matter what I wanted, my effects weren't enough..." Frisk firmly clasped the bottom of her shirt. "It felt..." They wiped a single tear from their eyes, covering their face with their hands.

"Terrible chara...I hate doing this! I hate myself for committing the crimes I did..! My heart aches as every single monster I was forced to kill flashes in my head.."

In a state of sorrow, tears streamed down her face.

Although Chara's gaze became less intense, her distrust remained present. "P-please Chara..please help me!" Frisk spoke with a trembling voice.

"What is the reason for me too? What is the justification for me to assist you..?"

"Chara, I beg you. You are the sole person who can halt the player's actions. I no longer wish to be manipulated by a higher being! I wish to reclaim my independence.

and be heard! I beg of you, I earnestly plead for your help! Please save me!" Frisk wept as they tightly grasped Chara's wrist.

"Fine. Frisk let's return to our odd world. Together we'll eradicate the enemy and become strong. What do you say, Partner?"

She was unable to hear the response because her mother's voice was audible. With tears still wet on her face, Frisk gave Chara a gentle smile as the place began to crumble. As her mother picked her up, Chara was unable to hear what Frisk said. However, she knew that she could ask her later.

"Morning sunshine!"

"Morning Mama." I yawned, hugging her neck as she walked towards my closet. "I got a call from the Himiko family. I was stunned. I thought I'd invite them for lunch later. Wouldn't that be fun?"


"Oh! In that case, how about I make your favorite chocolate cake?" she inquired.

"Really!? Yes! Yes! Yes!" Chara answered.

*One hour later.*

Chara ran towards the door as the bell rang. She leaped towards the door numb making an effort to open it as her mother observed. After some failed attempts she finally opened the door to peer at two people standing outside the door along with Toga and rushed at her knocking her down. "Ichika!!" she giggled. "Toga stop that... You're acting informal." Toga's father said. "Behave or we're going back home." Toga got off of Chara, her smile frowning a bit. "It's okay! Mrs. Himiko! Mr. Himiko! I like toga personalities. It reminds me of an odd friend." Chara chuckled glaring at Toga's parents not liking their attitudes.

"eh, how about we have a conversation Mrs. Himiko? Mr. Himiko, and let the kids play." Natsuki stated not as a question but as a statement. "Uh, sorry... Our daughter is odd...I'm nervous she'll be a bad influence on that sweet little girl of yours."

I agree with my wife...Maybe we should go." Mr. Himiko spoke nervously.

"No! No! You shouldn't speak about your child like that." Natsuki cut in exhaling softly. "She is a child. She is still growing up you just have to help her and sooner or later she'll realize what's right and wrong."

They looked at each other in unsureness. "Our daughter.. is special you can say...don't get us wrong. I and my sweetheart love Toga with all our hearts..but it would be better if she was more normal." Mr. Himiko uttered.

Mrs. Himiko's voice was strained as she glared at her daughter with a mix of anger and disappointment. "She's not normal," she muttered, her hand clenching into a fist.

"She'll never be right..we messed up."

As the adults conversed about Toga, the child listened attentively, her eyes filled with anticipation. Every word reached her ears, causing a wide smile to grace her face. But deep inside, there was a trembling, a heaviness she couldn't comprehend. It was as if her little heart was struggling to grasp the weight of her own emotions.

Just as the overwhelming feelings threatened to overflow, tears forming in her eyes, Chara appeared beside her. With a gentle embrace, they pulled her close, urging her to continue. And in that moment, the child realized that even though the world may be filled with uncertainty, there will always be someone to lend a comforting hand, to guide her through the tough times.

"C'mon Toga wanna watch those funny hero videos!?" Chara asked tugging her along. Toga gazed at her. She concealed her emotions with a bright smile, revealing her teeth. "Can we have blood after?" She replied as she was pulled into a room.

"Strawberry ice cream! Sure I'll ask Mom!"

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