What it takes to be a Princess

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Tord's P.O.V

It's been a week since the girl has come to my base, she hasn't said a word, she won't look at anyone, and she won't talk. Thomas and I don't even know what to do. I was on crutches and I finally finished Thomas's goggles. It made me wonder if there was anything I could make her. "Tord I'm not going to tell you again, we're not running any tests on her."

"Think about what it could tell us. I'm not just talking about her being a lab rat, she could be sick. I know you've seen how skinny she looks, she's been looking paler by the day and she's not eating. Monster or not, she's still human." There's a knock at the door Thomas steps in front of me to block it.

"Tord! She's been tested enough!"

"Thomas you're not thinking!" I yell back. The knock gets louder, I fling the door open.

"What?!" We both yell at the same time.

Paul and Patryck stare back at us, Patryck huffs, "I told you it was a bad time!"

Paul elbows him, "Whatever Patty Cakes. Anyways, she said she wanted you so here ya go." The girl comes out from behind him and walks towards Thomas.

I gawked, "She said?"


Thomas and I immediately make eye contact, he bends down. "You talked to them? What did you say?" She shyly looks away.

"She said, I want him, so I said who, and she just insisted on him so I assumed it was you. Oh and look at the dress we found for her, isn't she adorable?" Paul cooes.

"She looks like a doll," I mutter. She hid behind Thomas in a big ruffled white dress. "She's probably hiding because of the hideous clothes you forced her into."

Patryck laughs at my comment, "Awe come'on if you were a girl we would have put you in it." He winks. "But we've been on babysitting duty all day every day. We've been with her more than you have, we've got training to get to."

"Besides, she asked for you. See you later Red Leader," The grin and salute.

"Idiots," I groan.

Thomas sat her on the couch, "Are you hungry?"

Suddenly her eyes go wide and she screams, "N-NO!"

"Hey hey it's oka--" His hand touches her and a spark of purple hits his skin. His breath hitches with hers and he lets go. "It's not like that!" he stands up and rummages through my drawers. He grabs a bag of chips he brought in a few days ago. "Look," He puts one in his mouth, "See? It's like this. This is food." She stares and pokes it, she watches Thomas eat another one then does the same. Her face lights up and she eats more, Thomas hands her the bag. "Tord, when I touched her-I-it's like I saw a memory. She um.." He stretches his neck, "She ate people."

"She what?!"

"SHH!" he shuts me up.

"What do you mean she ate people?!" I whisper yell.

"I don't know! But that's what being hungry means to her. She didn't like it. She didn't know either. If we want her to trust us we have to trust her. You have to trust her."

"T-Thank you," We both jumped at her unexpected presence. We didn't even hear her.

I thought, "Do you have a name?" Through stuttering she begins to list curses and degrading comments said to her, the color in my face drains. "N-Not like that." I fret.

"W-What is a n-name?"

"My name is Tom and his name is Tord, that's our name," Thomas explains.

She points at me, "No y-your da-daddy and he is d-dirty s-son o-of a b-beach."

The New kidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora