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Matt's P.O.V

"How do I look?" I dusted off my tux nervously. I've never really been on a date before. Crazy I know, I get asked out all the time but I'm too busy with school and friends to do other things.

"Sexy~" "You look great!" "Sharp,"

"And, surprise, I got us a cool ride to impress that date of yours," Tord winks. He opens the door to reveal a sleek black limo. My mind flashed to this morning, I heard bits and pieces of them talking about the black army. Were they in on something? They've both been acting weird and together a lot recently. "You coming?"

"Crap! I forgot, Edd come help me!" I grabbed his arm and hurried inside, he shut the door.

"Whaddya forget?"

"Edd I need to talk to you," he looked confused, "I heard Tom and Tord talking about the black army this morning. He said he was part of something or something--look I don't know the exact details but I think they know more then we do. Tord did just kinda show up..."

"What are you saying?"

"I don't know Edd, but, something is off."

"Okay, after tonight we'll all talk in the living room. Together. No secrets." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He put his hand on my shoulder with a smile, "As for you, you have a hot date. Let's not keep her waiting." He opened the door and motioned for me to come. I nodded and followed.

Edds P.O.V

"I'll have a cola please, thank you." The Waitress smiled and walked away. I adjusted my green tie and looked at Tom. I couldn't help the stares. Every time they said anything to each other I felt a little fireball bounce around in my stomach.

Matt and Sadie cooed at each other and laughed. I loved seeing Matt enjoy his time and not having his head stuck in a book studying or planning the next big school event. He deserved it

"Is the Red for Communism?" Tom snickered.

And you deserve no more drinks.

The whole dinner was delicious and everyone talked up a storm and got along. Sadie fit right in with the group. She really was a little ball of sunshine and even funnier then Matt. The car ride was just as enjoyable and it was like we had all become the Brady bunch and completely forgotten about our problems and worries. Everything melted away. All of us were black slacks and black suites, the only pop of color laid in our ties. Tords hair was slicked back, it was beyond strange seeing it. I didn't think I'd ever say this but I'd much prefer the horns. Tom gave his little spikes more umph and Matt did the Matt. I did a comb over, I was wearing cola socks under all this elegance.

The principal walked up on the stage, "Welcome to Swell-View Prom! I hope you're all having a Swell day. *Ba Dum Tss* Now I'll leave you guys to dance, in 30 minutes we are going to have a special ceremony!" The DJ turned up the music.

I watched as Matt turned Sadie with a giggle, she looked at me. "I'm gonna go use the little ladies room, watch Matt for me Edd!" She blushed before walking away. She was draped in a purple silk dress with green accents. She looked like a "goddess" as Matt would explain. Her blonde hair was in perfect curls.

Matts phone beeped, I eyed him with a smug look."She said she wants to show me something outside,"

I raised my eyebrows, "You can go as long as I get the details~" I held out my hand and he gave me a high give.

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