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While taking cover behind a grey toilet or precisely the corpse of a grey skibidi toilet, the brown coated cameraman launches blue rays from his paralyzer laser at the moving skibidi toilets up ahead, all of this along with his allies who are doing the same however they are open to being hit by anything, much to his trouble for them. He ducks down and lays his back onto the metal toilet to reload the gun, soon taking out a cropped photo that he took of while ago, having printed it out and put the picture into a wooden frame he scavenged before the start of a previous battle. The cameraman gazed at it for an extensive quantity of time as the others kept fighting, not completely registering that he was being distracted by what was just about heartening him to keep going, at least he thought it was going to help encourage him.

A flashback of him and the TV woman for the most part occurred suddenly in his microprocessor while he kept looking vacantly at the print, recalling the fairly past events when they met in physical contact for the first time, feeling his lense get a little warm. Be that as it may, the cameraman slowly gained the belief that he's turning into a simp, somebody or some cameraman that not a lot of women of The Alliance would kind of want around them. For thinking that, he felt guilt generally materialize and rise in his chest and stomach, now hoping that he didn't pull up any stupid crap when he for the most part was being transported with the TV woman, but then again he did think that when he was avoiding sight contact with her that it was rather dumb of him.

After some extra time of continuous staring at the print of the TV woman, he gets closed in on a muddled ally who wonders what was he looking at in the picture, though when the cameraman glanced up and acknowledged he was there, he only speedily concealed the canvas within his coat, an awkward stare moment beginning. Then, another skibidi toilet advances towards the confused cameraman whom the other immediately notices, aiming his gun at the entity and shooting a blue ray which stops the movement in it, only visible twitches shown all the while it has a shocked face. The brown coated cameraman watched his friend walk up to the essence and squat down, rubbing his black gloved hand against the thing's cheek as if he was about to rizz it before kissing it, but that wasn't the case as the cameraman only slapped it with force before standing up, walking over to remove the metal coverage over the toilet flush knob and pulling it up to kill the skibidi toilet.

The cameraman turned his camera-head to the brown coated cameraman and gave him a thumbs up, him giving one back before a strider skibidi toilet became present on the generally top roof of a building and at the time it sang with a mixed mostly angry but slightly joyful expression, the cameraman running to the grey toilet and taking cover behind the toilet tank along with the brown coated cameraman in a subtle way. They held their rifles and stared at the ground as the strider kept shooting lead and singing, all preliminary to a voltaic sound and the chanting becoming ceased, a very loud metal clatter sound perceived and a flush commotion as well which led them to look over the toilet.

It mostly comes across as a large cameraman taking down the strider skibidi toilet with a stun baton based on how he has a really few on his back, the large cameraman giving a kind of quick thumbs up, the two cameramen about to particularly pay back the same although already the large cameraman's head is instantaneously obliterated by something, as a result the cameramen are shaken. The brown coated cameraman looks to his friend who's about to stand up and presumably basically walk over to the new deactivated body, but he stops him by steadily sitting him back down on the ground behind the toilet, the cameraman conveying uncertainty before the brown coated one wags his index finger as an indication that it isn't safe. His partner perceiving the action soon for the most part nods in reply, they both start to look around and everywhere as the others in the kind of wide do the same, unfortunately for the two cameramen they witness the executions of their colleagues just when they're taken down gradually by an old glitchy toilet they haven't seen or heard of in awhile.

In a short time, a familiar black fog comes into view of the remaining survivors, it proves to be the TV woman with an Òwó exhibited on her display and in an instant she gets hit by the glitch skibidi toilet without harm, her TV head flying off with that same pinkish purple glow lighting up and without anybody expecting, it kind of starts to spin 360 degrees repeatedly at a very rapid speed as the essence essentially kept subtly circling her. Then after some time, it mostly stops when it faces the glitch skibidi toilet that has been killing the cameramen, paralyzed in the air and its wicked grin becoming upside down, a blue glowing needle inserted into the temple of the glitch toilet and being dropped down, unable to move at all. The TV woman at that time moves her head back to her neck and reconnects it, the screen having an >w< all the while that the medic cameramen walk over to the bodies of the taken down comrades.

The cameraman who took his friend's advice turns over to specifically see a scientist in a camera mech, predicting that he must've been the one to send an injection into the glitch toilet, meanwhile the brown coated cameraman gazed at the TV woman ahead of him who soon takes acknowledgment of his presence, rotating her head directly at him ever so slightly in a major way. He abruptly literally had a thought of running over to the TV woman with pretty open arms to for all intents and purposes get a hug from her, but that's an unintelligent thing only a simp would do, now that he thinks about it more the brown coated cameraman could already predict the outcome, it being that she would've simply teleported away to generally leave him in a state of sadness. A mental sigh definitely is made in his mind, yet after some time the TV woman unpredictably raised her arm and mostly waved her hand to the brown coated cameraman, plenty to his startled reaction.

With some amount of reluctance, he too for the most part lifted his arm up and very lightly waved his hand at the TV woman, seeing her then kind of turn around before disappearing into her black transportation fog, or so they thought. The brown coated cameraman after seeing her leave his sight particularly looked around to make sure nobody was watching before pulling out the photo from earlier that he kept in his fairly brown coat, distractingly staring down at it with some thoughts coming up subtly. Feasibly, he should probably essentially get to know pretty much more about the TV woman and vice versa if he wants to fall in love with her, zooming his camera lenses into the alighted >w< face.


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cameraman x tv womanWhere stories live. Discover now