Part 6- Existential crisis

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"How truly unfortunate.."


Sorcerer kingdom/ 3rd pov

Following the aftermath of the battle, the dust cleared, revealing a "person" dressed in yellow military garment.
Now stripped of his momon persona, he displayed no external injuries as he scanned his surroundings.

"That was a close one.."

"To think she had such a dangerous last resort. Though it is too bad for her that such a gamble didn't pay off."

Within his hands, a glowing light grew brightly, and once it dissipated, an item was left in its place.

Though not as unknown in the world of Yggdrasil, only certain organizations of this world knew the existence of these world altering tools.

"If it wasn't for this world item..."

He didn't wish to finish his thought, perhaps disillusioned with it himself.

With the thought that he could possibly have been bested.

He didn't use the power of that unnamed world item itself, merely having it equipped onto oneself had granted him enough power to resist that attack.

All guardians of nazarick have at least one world item with them at all times for the worst-case scenario.
A world item could possibly resist the power of another world item, and even save one from death given circumstances.

Not counting the effects of that individual world item itself, there are many advantages that would put one who who has one in a more advantageous position as opposed to one who does not.

"An incomprehensible possibility indeed. even weaklings would resort and succumb to anything in order to try and save themselves, especially when fighting someone overwhelming superior! Having that world item on hand was truly the right call!"

Pandora actor was lamenting everything in a low mutter.

"Did he foresee even this event..!"


"But of course, who else could have perceived such a thing but ainz-sa-



He made an exaggerated pose as he held one hand in the sky as if theater lights were shining brightly on him.

Surely, ainz ooal gown would feel an uncomfortable itch run through his spine had he witnessed such a spectacle.


He came back to his senses as he Brought his hand back down and once again scanned the area.

"That vampire one is dead isn't she?"

"And what of her friend?"
Did she run away then?"



"Humans aren't like items at all."

"They are much harder to read. Unlike items, you can abraise them and get every description, strengths and weaknesses of an individual."

"I believed I was getting pretty well at reading them, yet that girl just ran away after annoyingly boasting about how she would protect her friends."

"This is why I don't like these humans outside of nazarick."

Humans lie and betray even their friends at the slightest sign of danger.
They trample over the ones they swore to protect in a desperate attempt to preserve their own worthless lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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