part 9 - man vs monster

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   Escape was now impossible...

     Science kingdom / 3rd pov

After accelerator's capture, the enemy forces retreated, which gave the allied nations a chance to rest from those fatigue-less beings.

The multiple knights, spread out all over the kingdom, ate and celebrated their temporary victory against the strongest nation in the world.

The more cautions leaders however, knew that they had to figure something out fast. The situation may seem to be in their favor on the surface considering they managed to push back the sorcerer kingdom, but that couldn't be further from the truth. They had lost a considerable amount of man-power, including- the draconic kingdom's forces which made up more than 1/3rd of their whole forces, as well as one of the frost dragon of the science kingdom.

Not to mention the leader of that draconic kingdom was lost in that war as well.

But more than that, probably the biggest loss sustained in this war...

"What do you mean he was captured?!"
Raymond yelled out in frustration.

"It appears accelerator-dono was the sorcerer's kingdom objective the entire time. They retreated as soon as he was captured." The cardinal of fire lamented.

"Its still not done. We're still in the middle of war, and need to stay alert and think of our next strategy."

The one who said this was the platinum dragonlord as he came flying down onto the scene.

"What of the deep darkness dragonlord?" Raymond asked.

"He's retreated back to his hideout for now. He had sustained major injuries, and most likely won't be able to partake should the sorcerer kingdom once again attacks."


Everyone was in deep thought. This situation was no good at all.

"...let's counterattack."



similar cries rang out at the foolish proposition that had just being spoken. Such proposition was once again spoken from Raymond's lips.

"Cardinal of earth! Have you gone mad!?"

The cardinal of wind bellowed as he grabbed Raymond by his collar.

After such losses, we are in no position to yet resume battle against that monster!"

"Then what do you suggest we do?! Quietly wait here for our impending doom?!" Raymond snapped back.

The frustration that accumulated due to the indecision about the situation was making even the usual composed members of the cardinals a bit crazy.

"Thats enough. Infighting right now won't help the situation in anyway."

They all looked towards the door at the familiar voice.

The captain of the black scripture walked in, and alongside him was the extra seat, zesshi.

Zesshi showed no signs of her usual upright  and cocky behavior. Instead, she only nonchalantly walked in before briefly scanning the room.

 Instead, she only nonchalantly walked in before briefly scanning the room

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