part 8 - Ainz Ooal Gown

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      "Du verlierst..."


        ~ before the war ~

      Throne room / 3rd pov

From atop his majestic throne, ainz pondered.

In front of him kneeled the nine guardians of nazarick alongside some other individuals such as the Pleiades and the eight edge assassins.

On the podium stood the overseer of the guardians, albedo.
As well as the head intelligence of nazarick, demiurge.

The two of them were to explain the overall plan to the rest of the guardians as instructed by ainz.

Ainz instructed this to make sure everyone understood the plan, and no other reason...

"Now then, as already stated, albedo and Pandora's actor, disguised as ainz-sama, will engage in a battle against accelerator." Demiurge says while fixing his glasses.

"Kuku, indeed. Human or not, he uses a form of magic which isn't known in either yggdrasil nor this world. That alone makes him interesting enough to capture alive."

"It is as you say."

" Pandora's actor, you will be the main star or this plan, so these instructions are mostly for you." Demiurge says.

" judging off of cocytus's battle with him, his notable defenses includes that invisible shield which couldn't be breached even with his strenght."

"Is that right, cocytus?" Demiurge asks the insectoid.

"That. Is. Correct."

"Hmph, Disgraceful." Albedo whispers as she makes a distasteful face.

Demiurge once again fixes his glasses before continuing...

"The main thing to worry about would be the black wings he manifested. According to cocytus and mare, he didn't appear to be in his right state of mind, so we can assume he doesn't have full control of it."

"Most likely, he must be the result of an interracial relation. Likely, an angel and a human, I would say."

"I have a question!"

Aura Bello fiora was the one to ask.

Also another guardian of nazarick, she shares the duty of overseeing the 6th floor of nazarick alongside her twin brother, mare Bello fiore.

"So you're basically saying one of that guy's parents Is from yygdrasil, right? Like that elf king guy?"

"At least, that's the hypothesis we were able to come up with." Demiurge answers.

"Furthermore, if our understanding proves to be true, then that means creating a new form of magic altogether could be possible using selective breeding." Albedo added.

"Goodness, it's quite fascinating isn't it?" Demiurge says to no one in particular.

It's without a doubt that the current situation interested demiurge the most.

As the head intelligence of nazarick, he was tasked with coming up with new ways to better benefit nazarick by using the resources of this new world.

And one of the things which had caught his attention was interracial breeding.

The idea and phenomenon of breeding two different races together and the thrill of not knowing what's to result from it was something that wholeheartedly delighted the Demon so.

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