part 3 - wild magic

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      Zohak had won...


   Cliff ruins / 3rd pov

Albedo had reached the defenseless zohak, and just before she could split his head in two....

"<wild magic: ANTITHESIS>"


The first one to notice something was wrong...was none other than albedo herself.

Her eyes opened wide in surprise as the taste of blood filled her mouth.
More blood trickled down from her head, obscuring her view and she could also feel damage all over her body, as if she had been punched repeatedly by something far stronger than her.


Ainz tried to hurry to his companions aide.

Moving his arm, accelerator sent a wind blade in his direction, stopping him in his tracks.

"Oi, you're dealing with me remember?!" The esper says with an evil grin.

"I've had enough of you, dissappear! <Napalm!>"

A pillar of flames appeared and engulfed accelerator in its might.


"Just what the hell is that guy?" Ainz ponders while while watching the albino laughing like a lunatic while in the inferno....

From where she stood, albedo simply fell down on the ground.
Too shocked to comprehend what could have possibly occurred.

"Hm, good to see that it even works on a warrior of your level."

From the ground where she laid, albedo rose her head to look at the dragonlord who just spoke...

...and the pure shock on her face rose up several levels, if that was even possible.


Zohak could see the confusion on her face, and though one couldn't see it, you could feel the mocking smile plastered on his expressionless face.

"Surprised, are you?"

Albedo's shock was truly justified.
Because the dragonlord who stood before her, the same dragonlord who seemed as if he was on the verge of death just moments before...

Now stood before her without a single scratch on him.

Not a single drop of blood was plastered on him, almost as if what they saw moments ago was nothing more than an illusion.

But albedo knew for a fact it was real.

She had for sure beaten him within an inch of my his life, so where was the evidence. Rather, it looked as if she was the one who had been beaten brutally...

Realization dawned on albedo's face as she came to a conclusion on what could have occurred.

" transferred your damage to me?!"

"So you've already figured it out? Despite appearances, you're quite cunning."

"Its as you say, My antithesis reverses events which has happened between two persons.
Just now, the events between us were reversed, disapearing my wounds and reappearing them on you."

Zohak spoke to the albedo who was bleeding profusely on the ground.

"However as powerful a spell it is, it does come with risks.
  did you know that every person contains within them what is known as karma?"

Battle of Overlords! ( Accelerator x Overlord)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora