part 4 - important meeting

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damn, you guys fast fast as hell with those subscribes, if i knew ya'll would be that fast, i would have upped the number.

i was expecting it to take like a week or something, so i was just taking it easy thinking i had time. i was surprised as hell to go on YouTube the next day to find out the subscriptions had already be met, so i had to rush a bit with this part to take it off hiatus.

any case, i'll still leave a link here to subscribe in case anyone new makes it here:

support my YouTube channel, and thanks in advance!

                      ...alright, lets get back to the story...


             great underground tomb of nazarick / 3rd pov

a deadly aura was emitting from inside the impenetrable fortress that is the great underground tomb of nazarick. the aura was so strong that it even reached the lower floors, withering the plants and wildlife in certain areas.

and the source of that aura...

the avatar of death who sat atop his throne, the sorcerer king Ainz Ooal Gown.

despite his emotion suppressor constantly suppressing all his strong emotions, it just couldn't seem to vanquish the anger which oozed out of him this time, as soon as it would suppress it, the next second it would just return.

every guardian on one knee could feel the strong pressure from this, and they internally trembled.

but this anger wasn't directed at the guardians, nor was it directed at any of the people currently present in that throne room.


this anger was directed, towards a certain white-haired esper, as well as a little bit of himself.

"i was naive...have i learned nothing...?!"

"how foolish."

the skeletal being blamed himself more than anyone. because of his naivety, he had exposed yet another one of his guardians to danger...

first it was shalltear, and now cocytus...

when mare suddenly appeared in the throne with a bloodied cocytus, ainz could feel his non-existent heart drop.

while albedo quickly left his side to go get the insectoid healed, ainz had made sure to get a full report from mare. he learned of the science kingdom's interference, the battle between the two, as well as the power he displayed.

"takemikazuchi-san, sorry, i failed you. because of my inexperience as a leader, cocytus ended up almost getting killed." ainz quietly thought to himself as he puts his bony hand to his face in disappointment.

he thought of the guardians as the children of his closest comrades, and as such, he felt it was his responsibility to protect as well as lead them properly.

and he had just done a poor job of that.

" may raise your heads."

turning his attention to the people present, he ordered them all to raise their heads.

currently, every guardian had been summoned as this was no small matter. even cocytus was there, having finally been healed to full function.

upon getting healed, the first thing he did was get on his knees and sincerely apologize to his master with every fiber of his being, then he tried to offer his head in order to attempt to restore the honor of his master's name, if even a little. naturally, ainz refused and forbid this, and base on his tone, it was clear he didn't blame him even a little.

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