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— How are you being so cold blooded? — Sarah said looking annoyed at the younger girl

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— How are you being so cold blooded? — Sarah said looking annoyed at the younger girl

She had heard for the past days everything people had to say about the girl, the same way she was noticing that she was avoiding Pablo like he had the plague. Not that he was that concerned about it anyways. He seemed pretty good with his friends. And ex.

— What else can I do? I'm this close to quitting this job — She said confessing and seeing the shock in the faces of the two girls in front of her

— Absolutely not — Mae said and she shrugged

— They are literally spreading things about me to everyone, they were literally telling Laporta, fucking Laporta, that I was making him uncomfortable at work and that it was a distraction. Let's also not forget that they spread the information out to everyone, no one knew we were a thing. — She let it all out before focusing back to the task she had to finish

— Ok, let's say you quit, what are you going to do? — Sarah asked and she sighed

— Switch university to be fully online and move back home — She shrugged

Monaco seemed like the best option right now.

— Who else knows about this? — Mae asked

— Ansu. He's the only one I've been talking to besides you guys. — She explained

— Gavi? — Sarah asked and she shook her head

— If nodding our heads to each other while we pass on the hallways is talk to someone, then sure. — She explained

— It's just now is even more people thinking this about my job situation and truly, I don't need or want that. — She confessed — If I quit this truly it won't change shit on my life.

— How will you get a new job? — Mae asked, she remembered the girl saying she didn't want to start uni without working

— I had an offer to go work where my brother and friends work, different job than I had before but I would have one. — She said — I didn't want to cause I wanted to do something on my own, somewhere else, but now it seems pretty appealing to me.

— Obviously we want you to stay, but if your choice is really to leave we can't stop you. We just ask you to not forget us — Mae said smiling at the younger girl

— I will visit you guys. — She smiled

— When will you make the decision? — Sarah asked

— Today. I texted Pablo to talk. He said he will be here after practice, so... in a bit. If he didn't start thinking at least a bit about what people was saying he wouldn't be this distant. — She explained — Like, I'm not asking to be with him all the time, his family and friends are here, but it doesn't sit well passing him with the girl that wants him back clinging to him while he doesn't even say words to me.

A knock was heard before Gavi's face was seen in the small space he opened of it

— Let us know about that after. — Mae said smiling at her and leaving with Sarah, while Gavi entered the room.

The atmosphere was awkward. She knew it was done between them.

— What did you want to talk about? — He asked remaining standing in front of her

— I- I just wanted to talk to you, I feel like we barely seen each other and with everything that happened... — She said — You know, with everyone knowing.

— Yeah, I know. It wasn't in my plans but the girls didn't do it with bad intentions — He said and she chuckled ironically

— Of course not, that's why they made sure to tell Laporta directly and mention an clause that doesn't exist of dating co-workers? — She raised her eyebrows. He couldn't be serious.

— They were truly curious. There's no need to be offended by it — He said

— Sure, cause I have no reason to be offended at all, right? Only heard good things — She sarcastically replied

— Look, they are my friends, I know them for ages, they wouldn't do anything with bad intentions, they are just protective over me — He said — I gained everything quickly and people do take advantage of it.

— Oh, so now I'm one of these people? — She questioned it — There's being protective, and trust me, I know how it is, I am with my friends and family and there's being interested in getting back together with their ex.

— You're the one who just assumed it — He said and she rolled her eyes

— That's all I needed to know. And if you think this about me after all this time, I need to be glad they came in time so I could stop wasting my time on this — She shook her head turning around — You can leave, now.

— That's it? You're just ending the conversation? — He asked

— Do you have anything else to add? You just told me that it was ok for them to say and do the things they did regarding me because they are protective of you. Disregarded my feelings completely. — She said and he was about to open his mouth.

— Don't tell me you didn't, you did. You passed me down the hallways with the girl that told me to my face that wanted to get you back, that only talked shit about me and you couldn't stop to say hi to me. You couldn't stop by my place or do something with me once. I wasn't asking for a lot of time like before, I know what it's like to be away from your friends and family. — She sighed — I just wanted a little bit of consideration after everything we were building together. At least I thought we were.

— Well, I'm sorry, but Alice doesn't want me back, you may think this because of the things she said about you, but trust me, you're wrong, she's my friend for ages, before trying to date. — He said while his phone started ringing.

— She told me to my face Pablo. I'm not a liar. We're done here, you better take that. — She said opening the door to her and the girls office and letting him walk out

— We'll talk later. — She heard his voice before closing the door and just sighed holding back the tears.

She was done with him. She was done in Barcelona.

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