Chapter 33 - operation eichen house [2]

Start from the beginning

As they laid these facts out in front of them, Liberty had noticed something more urgent in need of their attention. "And those angry guards," she tilted her head to the side curiously and pointed over the boy's shoulders, where four men dressed in grey uniforms stalked towards them. Raising their electrical batons, they snarled at the teenagers. For a job that paid minimum wage, she didn't understand why they were so bothered.

The two werewolves growled as the guards closed in on them, sharp fangs extending from their teeth. Her eyes shone gold and wisps flew from her hands as the four of them prepared for a fight. Max quickly knelt, grabbing the silver-bladed daggers from under his cuffed jeans.

Liam didn't move fast enough and ended up getting backhanded across the face by a very pissed-off guard. He was thrown into a corner and left himself wide open for the same guard to taser him right in the chest. Liberty had kicked one of the guards in the face and hit him with a migraine spell, losing her concentration when she heard the beta screaming in agonising pain.

While the guard she was fighting was preoccupied on the floor, she wracked her brain for a spell to help Liam. Unfortunately, she had slightly misjudged the guard's recovery time and he swiped out his leg and knocked her off her feet.

The side of her face made contact with the concrete floor and she could feel a bruise starting to form on her temple. Feeling where the pain on her cheek was coming from, she wrinkled her nose at the syrupy blood that slicked her hand.

Quickly rolling onto her back, the guard towered over her. Still dazed from the hit, she didn't react as quickly as normal and he had enough time to plunge his electric baton into her stomach. Wailing out in pain, she kicked out but her foot hit nothing but air. Scott gained a new motive at the sound of her being hurt and punched one of the guards square in the nose.

Max howled out from their combined pain, not noticing his eyes glowing. Reaching out, he grabbed a fistful of material, not knowing and not caring who he was holding onto.

A woman on a ventilator lay in the back of an ambulance.

The guard tensed up, dropping his taser to the floor. His chest heaved up and down as he relived the day his wife was in an accident. Tears sprung to his eyes as he started to choke on his cries.

Max kept his eyes squeezed shut as he fought the relentless pain of being electrocuted three separate times. Struggling to his feet, he wildly flailed his arms out trying to reach someone who was standing. There was a ninety-nine per cent chance it would be a guard—— statistically, there was no way Scott and the others were standing while simultaneously being zapped with fifty thousand volts.

He blindly scoured the hallway for guards, his vision blurred by the tears gathering on his lashes, and his fingers enclosed around the material of a grey shirt as he incapacitated them one by one.

Smoke filled his lungs as he watched the second guard cling to a baby in his arms, fighting his way through the flames and ash to get down the wooden staircase. Waterboarding flicked through his head as he grabbed the third guard and then he watched the fourth guard's mother slip away.

Each of the guards squirmed on the ground, begging him to stop, their torture methods long forgotten by now.

Liberty was the first to bounce back from her injuries, sitting up on her hands and knees. She glanced at the guards, unsure why they had stopped their relentless attacks. That was, until she noticed how all she could see was the whites of their eyes and how their bodies shook. She only knew of one creature with the power to do something like this; a person who toyed with emotions.

An empath.

Unable to shut out the voices and screams of Eichen patients any longer, Max crumbled to the floor. His body involuntarily curled in on itself and his hands flew up to cover his ears. He couldn't tell if this was an empath or a seer ability but he didn't care.

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