Chapter 32 - operation eichen house [1]

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"you did not break me,
i'm still fighting for peace.
i've got thick skin and an elastic heart,
but your blade it might be too sharp."

word count. 5.5k

When Lilith Argent had heard the plan being broken down in Scott's house, it hadn't filled them with that much anxiety. She had grown somewhat accustomed to reckless plans since moving to California. The gun hidden in her waistband weighed heavily on the base of their hip as they tried to blend in with the visitors who were here to see family members— not to break one of the patients out.

Kira's nervous energy had doubled in size. She was like a ticking time bomb as she leaned back against a stone wall, afraid that her legs were about to turn to jelly and give in on her.

"Can you stop pacing?" Malia hissed through gritted teeth, grabbing Lily's arm as they passed her for the twentieth time. "I'm nervous enough as it is! You're not helping—— either of you," she craned her neck around the redhead's frame, casting a glare at Kira, who went back to biting her nails.

Once the were-coyote had loosened her iron cast grip on their arm, Lily huffed out a breath, the wind catching the air and making it look like they'd blown out smoke from a cigarette. "Are you mad?" she turned to Malia quickly, folding their arms over their chest protectively. They rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet.

"What? No," she sighed, resting her head against the steel gates. "I just wanna get in and get out," she said as she dug her hand into the pocket of her mahogany leather jacket. Holding a fidget cube in between her pointer finger and thumb, she rolled her eyes fondly when Lily arched a brow. "You have millions of these around your house. Just... I don't know, use it?"

She could see them hesitate, apprehension flickering in her grey irises. Malia had to actively fight the urge to roll her eyes again, reaching out and taking one of Lily's hands in her own. "I'm not mad," she repeated, lacing their fingers together as a way to promise that she was telling the truth.

She tried to push away the thought of how warm her hand was and what it would feel like for this to be a regular thing. She had never felt this way with Stiles. Ever. Alright, this (whatever this was) would have to be dealt with at a later time. Today was about saving Lydia, not romantic feelings towards her best friend. "Do you want this or not?" she raised a brow, finding a small grin tugging its way onto her lips.

Fucking Lilith and their fucking contagious smile.

Lily chuckled under her breath, practically snatching the fidget cube out of her open palm. There wasn't time to tease Malia for caring about her because a security guard cleared his throat loudly from inside the gates of Eichen, catching everyone's attention.

The three girls shared a glance, giving a minuscule nod as they moved to slot into the back of the queue. A couple of straggling visitors who had been caught up in their separate conversations had filed into the spot behind them, which was a relief—— being the last to walk inside might have drawn unnecessary attention to them.

Finally finding the correct key from the bunch, the security guard opened the gates and stepped to the side for the group to pass through. "Please do follow visitor procedure. Eichen House has a wide range of patients and we can not guarantee the safety of those who deviate from the rules," he must have reiterated this speech a million times because it sounded like a reflex from him.

They heard the door clunk closed behind them and glanced anxiously at each other. There was no back-tracking now.

The security guard, Travers, led them up the steps into the lobby, where the guests had already started lining up, waiting for their items to be emptied into trays.

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