Chapter 4 - homicidal rage isnt an emotion

203 12 58

"You probably won't,
you think you're cooler than me."

word count: 3.6k

Jade Pierce slammed her car door closed, walking towards the crime scene that was already cornered off with police tape, flashing lights from cop cars illuminating her path.

A distressed call from both Lilith and Lydia— who had been giving Malia driving lessons and ended up at a murder scene— had sent her to an alley-way in the middle of the night, instantly being met with a gruesome scene of blood and death, body bags being zipped up and the surviving victims being wheeled into ambulances on stretchers.

Her dog, Fern, had been drifting off to sleep at the end of her bed, not happy when the lights had been flicked on and the duvet was moved so that she could leave. Hey, at least it was an improvement from when Nathan Lawless and his two sisters had shown up the day beforehand, turning to the witch for guidance when all else had failed, the dog almost having a heart attack at the large wings that had broken the left-out china plates.

As far as all three girls had been concerned, the only conclusion they had come to was that the boy was a phoenix— although they weren't exactly sure how it had come around, it was a mystery that could remain unsolved for the time being. Other things couldn't be put to the side, needing to be dealt with as quickly as possible, such as why Nathan's wings were refusing to retract, leaving him with no other choice but to stay home from school.

It was... odd, to say the least. Deaton had been a druid for more than thirty years and not once in that time frame had he seen anything of this nature. Emery Davis and Marin Morrell had both checked in, not having experience in any cases similar, either.

It had been an enlightening day for Jordan Parrish, who had accompanied Blair to the school and then to the animal clinic, refusing to leave her sleep-deprived side, despite her protests that she was fine. She was just as confused as her siblings, trying to mask her shock so as not to alarm them any further. It was worrying, though, because how was anyone meant to go about their day with a pair of wings sticking out of their back? From what she could tell, the boy himself hadn't appeared too disturbed, glad for the time off school.

It would have to be put to the back of Jade's mind for the time being, in the huge jar of things that she had no time to focus on. Right now, she had to stay on track and figure out what in gods name happened here.

The sheriff approached her, pulling Scott and Stiles into the conversation, too. While he knew the three currently weren't on the best of terms, he hoped they would be mature enough to put it aside and work together to track down the murderous criminal. Just like he had cancelled his date, rescheduling for the next evening. "Donovan, a prisoner, was in this criminal transport van. There's no sign of him and the lawyer's dead. Scott, you saw this kid. He wasn't like you, right?"

"I don't think so," he shook his head, trying to keep his eyes trained on the sheriff and not his cousin. It was proving harder by the second, especially when she didn't seem to be bothered by the gravity of the situation.

He had first met Donovan roughly an hour ago when he and Stiles had been helping Noah prepare for his date at the station, the juvenile threatening to kill the sheriff when he found out that he would be spending a maximum of five years in prison. He hadn't appeared to be a werewolf— or a supernatural of any kind— but there was always the possibility that he was covering his scent.

"Well, human or otherwise, this kid might have just murdered his lawyer and mortally wounded two officers."

"Hm, sounds like the kind of guy I'd get along with," Jade commented, tossing her bleached curls over her shoulder. Noah didn't seem to appreciate her sense of humour, but at least she had said it before Stiles had! If you couldn't beat them, join them, that was how the phrase went, right?

War isn't over • LM / SSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ