𝟐𝟓. 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬

Start from the beginning

"Okay well we look so good,im still mad your going to nyc without me" jade said crossing her arms like a child.

"I don't know if still going to go, everything has been awkward since" i said with a shrug.

"You are too going doll" jade said rolling her eyes,I've always loved her blue green eyes my eyes are just boring brown i would lo-.

"Are you looking at my eyes again" jade said narrowing her eyes at me, " hey! I can't help it" i said scrunching my nose  "you have pretty eyes its not fair" i added.

" i don't understand Dawson and Danny have blue eyes and you an Dante don't"  she was right my both of my brothers eye are nice blue,all tho i don't know were they get it from when my mom has green eyes and my father has brown eyes.

I have my father's eyes is what everyone used to tell me but then they found out how much my father hates me so they stoped.

"I don't think i have ever paid attention to Damien's,eyes what color are they?" Jade asked and I shrugged "you'll see him today just pay attention to his eyes and don't fall in love with my brother" i said throwing a pillow at her.

"That was ones!" Jade said, Jade used to have the biggest crush on Dawson they were a thing but then Dawson got a girlfriend so they both moved on obviously.


" I expect you to be on your best behavior dahlia" my father said, "your in a relationship after all" my father added.

The thing i hate most about this day is all eyes are on me making sure 'I be on my best behavior' my father has bodyguards to look out for me he always does.

"And i expe-"  " i think she gets it now" Roman snap at my father, did i ever mention how awkward it was with Roman now? Because I swear its as if we are meeting each other all over again.

My father didn't ay anything back and got out the car, and the rest of us followed, before i can even step foot out the car there was all ready two bodyguards at my sides.

I rolled my eyes getting a the car when I felt two hands on my waist, I knew who it was but i looked back anyways " if it makes it better I'll try to be on my best behavior too" Roman whispers in my ear and my eyes widen and removed his hands from my waist.

Roman chuckled at my actions and i only flicked him off hoping my father didn't see that, "you sure are popular here" Roman said grabbing my hand,  I shook my head at his actions "i think they all know that we're in a fake relationship " i said turning my head to him to see he was all ready looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that" i asked frowning my brows, Roman leaned forward to my ear "you look nice, you know I've been feeling a little lonely at night" Roman whispered.

"Angels getting a little bold huh?"  Asked raising an eyebrow, he only rolled his eyes and pulled me closer to him so my back was in his front and he hands back at my waist.

"You haven't seen nothing yet Laylla" Roman whispered, see right now at this every moment nothing is awkward between us my father made it awkward but right here right now i felt safe, how i always feel when im with Roman.

And I've never really felt safe with no other man but my brothers.

For some reason im scared to fall for Roman, i don't really know why but i just am,there is too much in my head but when im with Roman everything goes away,all the thing i worry about they go away and only one other person can do that and that person is jade so what does that mean for Roman?.

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