I.The Surprise

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'Are you guys having fun tonight?' I ask in the mike as the audience starts cheering for us. The hall is echoing with the voices of people specifically our fans who have come so far just to see us perform.

It fills me with so much joy that people spend so much of their precious time just to appreciate the little we do for them. I have always been grateful and I will never stop expressing my gratitude towards the universe for what it has given me.

'Make some noise for our star Bright here', Win enthusiastically expresses towards the crowd looking directly into my eyes. He too looks so delighted about how the show turned out. His eyes shine with happiness which immediately fills me with a feeling of warmth. No matter how much I stare into them they always render me in a state of breathlessness.

'Make some noise for Win too', I say still gazing into his mesmerizing eyes. He rewards me with the smile he has, a broad one where his eyes squint almost as if he has closed them but I know they are not, infact they are most alive than ever.

I move towards him as the cheers slowly dies down mostly in the anticipation of my action as I walk towards Win with a slight wobble in my steps. Nobody might notice it without looking closely but he must notice it because his eyes immediately zooms into my action, asking a silent question as to what am I doing.

I finally reach to him and look at him. He is looking at me with curiosity burning in his eyes. I do nothing but slowly extend my arms towards silently asking for a hug. He just laughs and gives what I always crave for.

The warmth, the safety and the peace his embrace provides , scares me sometimes. I feel too much at once when I am with him which unravels me. But I can't help it so I just sigh and melt into him. He pats my back like he usually does. His this act oddly feels friendly, not that its a problem but it feels brotherly sometimes which even a percent of my selfish heart doesn't like.

Infact I loathe feeling this way because this is exactly how it is supposed to be. I am supposed to be his friend, his brother but my stubborn heart can't just agree with it. It continues to crack a little everytime he does this which is precisely every time.

Win removes his arms from my back which forces me to do the same. I sniffle and move back few steps. He just smile at me like nothing happened not knowing how brain and heart are at war everytime I am with him. On one hand my stupid heart says I should just confess how much my heart, my soul and my body longs for him, craves for him but everytime this outrageous thought comes to my mind there comes a sense of logic that opens the door to reality which says it can never happen.

Him and I can never happen. People will eat us alive, there won't be a single shred of privacy for us which will eventually effect us and our relationship. And obviously the fear of rejection takes up the rest of the space in the rest of the long list of 'Why Win and Bright can never be boyfriends'. Yes I have made a list coz my stupid, naive self needs a reminder every second of his day.

'I would like to thank each and every one of you who came to watch and listen to us', Win starts addressing the audience as I turn towards him to listen as he looks towards the crowd. 'I have never been more grateful. You guys do so much for us I can't even begin to imagine. You guys often share your moments of happiness with me which fills me with happiness too. So today I want to take the pleasure of sharing with you the constant source of my joy'.

He lowers his mike and looks towards me, directly in my inquisitive eyes which are brimming with question. He looks at me with so much conviction for a moment I falter and a thought pops in my head that if I am the one he is talking about but surely he isn't talking about me.

I mean when have I ever got so lucky to get what my heart desire for so easily. But as he starts moving in my direction with a sense of confidence in his steps, my heart falter. It starts beating so erratically that I am afraid he might listen to it. It's like the time has slowed down and cheering of my name has died down and the only thing I can see is him.

I can only stare at him as walks towards with a contagious smile on his face that is making my heart flip and knees buckle. My heart is in my mouth as he reaches me and moves the mike towarďs his mouth which automatically draws my attention to it.

'You guys might be surprised to know that I have not even told Bright about it so it's gonna as much of a surprise for him as for you guys' , he excitedly exclaims and once again looks at me. I swear he should stop looking at me again and again like that when I am already on the verge of collapsing from anticipation of what's to come.

He tilts his head and wait for my reaction but I can do nothing but stare at him stupidly. I mean how can he expect me to be able to say anything after he has dropped such a bombshell.

He shakes his head, gives me a funny look as I look at him. Suddenly he gets serious like he just remembered he has a business to do and looks at me determinedly.

He takes one more step closer to me until he standing just millimeters away from me. He is determined on giving my poor heart attack isn't he?

Anyways, his muscular arms curl around me once again in a embrace and I immediately return it, almost involuntarily. He sighs and whispers in my ear 'Wish me luck won't you?' His deep, husky voice sending chills down my spine. He moves his head back slightly from the the crook of my neck and meets my eyes.

Even though I have no idea what am I wishing him luck for, I just do what he asks me to. 'My best wishes are always with you', he just smiles at my words and move back after patting my back in a silent gratitude. I nod back at him.

He moves his hand across his suit indicating he is nervous but as I look him up at him, into his eyes, any trace of nervousness is gone but filled with excitement and joy. Seeing that brings a smile to my face because seeing him happy is better than any luxury in the world.

The cheering of the audience suddenly breaks whatever spell I was in and forces me to look towards them. Win too moves his beautiful eyes from my face, towards them and laughs probably at their lack of patience.

'Okay okay I know you guys can't wait anymore so here I go', he says and turns to me and with a final look and nod to himself as if he is preparing his mind, he walks right past me.

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