We finally landed on the ground and I grabbed the hammer from my belt that I secured it in. "You wanna do the honors lemon boy?" I asked.

He sighed at the nickname, "it feels suiting to do it together." He then responded.

I beamed and nodded, "if you want to be cheesy then sure." That earned me a glare.

He placed his hands above mine, a faint blush spreading on my cheeks but I pushed the feeling down. We brought the hammer above our heads and quickly slammed it down on the box a giant crack appeared and soread through it and suddenly the sound of a raven in hyperspace filled my head. I summoned it and the scout captain began to speak.

"I dunno what you two did but it worked! The scouts are able to get inside. Scouts will apprehend the wild witches and healers will be on the way to check in on the recruits. Good job you two." She informed and I beamed at Hunter.

He just smiled a gap toothy grin at me and it helped my heart. He cheered and kicked the box, "YEA!!! We did it!!" He yelled and fist bumped me.

"Did you even doubt me?" I joked.

He smiled, "yes very much."

"Woooooooooooooooow. I'm offended Golden Guard." I teased as he scoffed.

"You should be y/n."

The rest of the day was full of making sure the recruits were okay, searching and hunting for stragglers and overall defusing the situation.  Weirdly though as we worked I kept noticing Hunter staring at me with a weird expression on his face but I shrugged it off. By the time it was finished it was around seven and I leaned against one of the buildings. Then I saw Steve with an ice pack on his head.

"Steve! Oh Mi gosh are you good??!" I yelled running over to him. He laughed.

"Yea is okay, don't worry kid. So you and the Golden Guard are getting along again I take it?" He asked.

I nodded, "I think so. I don't think we'll have issues from now on," I looked over to Hunter and smiled softly before turning back to steve. "How's your head? I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, " I stated guilt coating my voice. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n I'm okay I swear. And I told you to go I don't blame you. Don't worry." He informed me and I nodded, "no head back to the castle and get some sleep. We're all exhausted."

I nodded, "yea.. yea okay you're right." I nodded knowing the bags under my eyes were gradually increasing.

As Steve walked away I noticed the Golden Guard walking away as I caught up to him.

"Hey! You heading back to the castle?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yea, I'm exhausted after today. I'm probably just gonna head back and get some sleep," he replied but his voice sounded hurried and then I watched him walk the opposite way to the castle. I shrugged and decided it wasn't my buinsness but knew that sleeping didn't sound like such a bad idea.

Hunters pov

As I watched her talk and commune with other guards when the day began to end I felt worse and worse.

I shoved it down but I really had treated her horribly and she was my friend now right? I needed to make it up to her and prove to her that I'm sorry.

Then i remembered a conversation we had had about two weeks ago in the library and I knew exactly how to prove it.

Y/Ns pov

I laid down on my bed after changing into pjs staring at the ceiling. Slowly a long breath came from my mouth that I didn't know I needed to realease as I sat up.  Maybe it was the wild witch attack or Hunter or whatever but I felt the familiar sense of dread, numbness, and just an itchy feeling I couldn't place but I knew it's origins.

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