Taeyong kisses his lips softly before he raises up. Doyoung is quick to help him as he's weaker and weaker as this goes on.
He slides down slowly. A long whiny moan rips from his throat as he nears the bottom and can feel Doyoung's big hands squeezing his hips hard enough to leave a bruise.
He raises up and drops back down, his legs like jelly, barely supporting him. Doyoung senses that maybe this was too much and stops him.
"Are you ok baby? We can stop now." Taeyong shakes his head no vigorously.
"You haven't cum yet. I want you to fill me." He says only showing pure exhaustion. Doyoung touches the side of his face softly and pulls him down for a sweet kiss. His arms wrap tight around his middle as he rolls them so he's now on top. Taeyong's blown out pupils try to focus on his face but his vision is a bit blurry.

Doyoung carefully pushes his knees upward as he settles in and plows through him. Taeyong screams as he hits harder with every snap of his hips. He goes for as long as he can but honestly every look, every sound and the feel of Taeyong in his fingers have had him wanting to cum a long time ago.
"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum again, fuck." Taeyong's tears roll down his cheeks as Doyoung rests his weight on one arm and reaches the other between them to hold him through this. He knows he's extra sensitive so he doesn't stroke him. He just gently squeezes as he pulsates out the last drop.
Doyoung kisses his lips gently as he slowly moves inside him. He's trying to be gentle but the feeling overwhelms him and he can't help the harsh snaps forward until he moans out Taeyong's name as he fills him full.

Exhausted he collapses. He lays beside Taeyong and pulls him gently into his arms. He tries to speak but Doyoung shushes him.
"It's ok, baby just rest. I'm sorry if this was too much, really." After a minute Taeyong looks up with a silly grin.
"You're perfect. I feel so good. I've never cum so much in my life. It might take me a week to build up enough for the next time." Doyoung laughs airily and kisses his lips.
"Let's rest, then we can shower and change the sheets." Doyoung says softly as he watches Taeyong's eyes drifting closed.

"I've only got a week left guys." Jeno says to his boyfriends as they eat lunch on the patio together.
"What do you mean?" Renjun asks carefully.
"They moved my surgery up so I won't be able to be here for the wedding but I definitely want you to be." Jaemin stares at his plate as his heart fills with worry.
"I want to go alone." Renjun gasps.
"What? Why won't you let us be there for you? We love you?" He asks, hurt lacing his voice. Jeno sighs.

"You can drop me off and even stay for the surgery, to see if I come out of it alive but, the rest I want to do on my own, besides I'll be bed ridden for at least a couple weeks and for the first one I'll be in a coma." Renjun tries to protest again.
"I just, went this far alone and I think I need to do this alone too. I think it will be therapeutic. Please understand? I love you too and I'll call you when I can and I will need all your support for when I'm done, you know? If it doesn't...."
Renjun covers his mouth.
"It will work." He says as Jaemin finally nods and smiles.
"It will Junie, now Let's let him have his privacy for this." He looks at Jeno softly.
"But if you need anything, ever, we will be there right away. No question." Jeno nods.
"I love you." He says softly.
"I uh, I'm a little scared. But I know I have you two." He pauses as he starts to cry.

"Jen, no matter what happens, know we will love you through it. We are not going anywhere." Jaemin says holding his hand, it means so much coming from him.
"I love you guys so much. It means everything that I have you for support." Renjun shakes his head with a frown.
"Jeno, you've always had it, I just hope we are better about showing our love for you now then we were before." Jeno nods, a softness on his face like no other.
"Sometimes I get insecure, but yeah, you do it well."

"First things first, I know there is a lot going on with everyone else but I'd like to have a fun outing with everyone. There is a carnival this weekend, I think we should go as a big group?" Renjun asks with childlike excitement. The other two smile after making eye contact.

"Of course, I'd really like that." Renjun smiles proudly.
"The rest of the time, we will hold you hostage. We will spend every minute of every day loving you." Jeno smiles widely while Jaemin chuckles.

"He's not going to war." Renjun frowns and huffs as he glares his way. He starts to cry and Jaemin feels instantly bad. He watches him get up from his chair and sit on Jeno's lap.
"I'm sorry, it's the thought of you being alone. I can't bear it, I'll have to come and check every now and then ok? Maybe stop in and give you kisses?" Jeno squeezes his waist.

"I think maybe we could arrange something. I just don't want you putting your lives on hold for me." Renjun makes a pouty face while Jaemin comes over and gets on his knees.
"You are our life now. You are one  of the reasons we breath. My heart beats for you and Renjun and if one of you are anywhere but next to me then I will do what it takes to be near you. I know this is how Junie feels too."
Jaemin cups his cheeks and kisses the tip of his nose, his thumbs wipe away the tears under his eyes. Renjun wraps one arm around Jaemin to get his attention then softly kisses his lips.
"You said it perfect babe." He then looks at Jeno and kisses his salty tear filled lips too.
"I am so much in love with you and the thought of you lying in a hospital bed alone, makes my heart ache. We want to be with you every step of the way, no obligation, we want this." Jeno nods and breaks down in his lover's arms.

All of his fear and frustrations seem to be making their way out in their arms on the patio. It doesn't really matter where they are though. They are in their own world.
Their own little bubble.

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