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"Oh my god, Taeil you must get this." Yuta says, holding up an embarrassing pair of thong underwear with a literal sock for his dick.
"Hell no. That's more your style." He says scrunching his nose.
"You're right." Yuta says as he puts it in his basket earning an eye roll from Taeil.
"You guys are adults now. Act like it and help me get groceries." Taeyong says with a playful smile.

They load their stuff in the cooler that is strapped to the back of their rented Jeep and go to the nearest ice cream shop, at Taeyong's insistence.
After ordering, on their quest to find a table in the busy shop he notices someone in the distance and gasps.
"Follow me guys." They shrug, having nowhere else to go anyway.

"Hey you." Taeyong whispers in his ear scaring the shit out of him.
"You're so obsessed with me that you even followed me to town?" Taeyong cackles and his two friends are just trying to figure this all out.
"I'll follow you to the ends of the earth until you tell me your name." He says with a cute pout, the other rolls his eyes with a smile.
"I'm Jeno, now leave." Taeyong laughs and holds out his hand to shake.
"Nice to meet you Jeno, these are my two friends I'm in town with, Yuta and Taeil and we need a place to sit and you look perfectly alone right now." He says before sitting next to him.
"Guys this is Jeno, he is staying at a place near us and I met him this morning, we're besties now so we can sit with him." Jeno tries to frown at him but his smile wins out. He holds his hand up to shake the others hands and watches as they take over his table.
"Where are your boy..." Taeyong doesn't get to finish the question as Jeno frowns and shakes his head no.
"I'm alone." Taeyong now frowns, thinking his boyfriends must be dicks for always leaving him alone.
"How did you get here?" Yuta asks very innocently.
"I walked." Jeno deadpans. Taeyong and Taeil laugh hard at Yuta's expense.
"I like you." Taeil says through his giggles.
"I am very irresistible." He says in a matter of fact tone that has them all giggling again.

They spend a little over an hour getting to know this man and find him to be quite charming and underneath his hard shell he is very sweet. At least Taeyong thinks so.
"Do you want a ride back? We have to get our groceries home." Taeyong asks nicely.
"I don't want to be a burden." Jeno says softly. Yuta scoffs.
"You can't be a burden when you are a friend." He says making Jeno shyly smile.
"Ok, thank you." He says as he follows them out. Taeyong helps him into the Jeep while Yuta and Taeil fold his chair and strap it into the back.
"Want to come over for dinner some time? Tonight we're having lobster on the grill." Taeyong says.
He shakes his head no.
"Sorry, I have dinner plans already. Maybe another time. I actually kind of like you guys." He says as if it's the strangest thing in the world. Taeyong elbows his side and nods.
"We actually like you too, even though you often sound like a crabby old man." He laughs.
"Funny, since you all are the old men here." Taeyong gasps.
"Yuta and I are only 27 and Taeil is only 29. How old are you child?" He asks sassily.
"23" he says with a smirk. Taeyong just huffs as they've finally reached their destination.
Jeno had wanted to just be brought to their place and would go the rest of the way by himself.
He waves goodbye and rolls away, Taeyong watches him for a bit before turning to his smiley friends.

"What?" They just give each other looks.
"Nothing, he's cute." Taeyong frowns.
"Yeah, of course he is, so?" Taeil rolls his eyes.
"So, maybe you and him?" He only tsk's and walks away with an arm full of groceries.

Taeyong and Taeil make an amazing meal for the three of them and share a few glasses of wine while talking about their high school memories. Taeil of course being the lightest drinker there ends up going to bed fairly quickly while Yuta could probably go all night.
"I'm going to walk down the beach, there is a bonfire down there that looks really fun." He says. Taeyong stands and looks down the beach and nods.
"Im coming too."
They head down the beach, the sun almost all the way set as they hold hands to not lose their footing.
"Maybe you will find your mate tonight." Taeyong says while raising his eyebrows suggestively and giggling.
"Maybe, you might too." Taeyong scoffs.
"I'm not really looking." They walk a little further before Taeyong notices something that makes him do a double take.
"You go ahead, I'll catch up." Yuta squeezes his hand before letting go and walking ahead.

"For someone with two boyfriends, I sure find you alone a lot." Taeyong says, plopping down next to Jeno who's laying in the sand next to the boardwalk where his chair is. He is obviously crying so Taeyong pats his head. He sighs.
"I lied ok. Yes I'm poly like I said and I love my two best friends but they only love each other. They don't even see me." Taeyong lays back onto his side and leans on his elbow. He wipes his tears with his thumb and Jeno gives him a look.
"I'm not a baby, it's only my legs that don't work. I can use my hands." Taeyong laughs.
"You don't have to be independent all the time you know? It's ok to be vulnerable sometimes." Jeno just turns his head.
"Why are you being nice to me?" Jeno asks softly.
"Because I like you." He says with a half shrug. Jeno smiles and leans up on his elbows getting really close to the others face.
"Oh yeah? How much do you like me?" He whispers, practically on his lips. Taeyong's eyes dart from his eyes to his lips before he slowly leans down and softly kisses them.
"A lot. Now tell me about you." Jeno smirks and lays back.

"I've been friends with them since school, in love with them the whole time. The day I finally got the courage up to tell them I was riding my motorcycle to meet them when I got hit by a truck running a red light. I broke a lot of bones and the vertebre in my lower back is pinching my spinal cord. They tried to correct it in the beginning but feared I would be worse off if they went further so here I am. Four years later. In a month though I am taking the plunge and getting it worked on. If it doesn't work then whatever but if it does I might be able to walk again someday." Taeyong smiles brightly.
"That's great! I hope it goes well for you." He looks down at Jeno's legs and touches his thigh.
"You still have a lot of muscle tone, that's good." Jeno smiles.
"Always checking me out." A laugh tears from Taeyong's throat.
"I go to physical therapy and they spend a lot of time working my legs for me so if the surgery works it won't be as hard to get back on my feet again." He takes Taeyong's hand off his leg and holds it in his own.
"What about you? Tell me your story?" Taeyong nods with a small smile.

"I was with my high school sweetheart for 6 years after we graduated, but all together like 9 years? God it was too long." Jeno frowns.
"What happened?" He asks squeezing his hand, Taeyong shrugs.
"We grew apart I guess." Jeno rubs his thumb across the back of his hand.
"Do you miss him?" He purses his lips.
"That's kind of a loaded question, i miss the good parts, I don't want to go back there either but god do I miss the sex." He plops onto his back with a whine. Jeno laughs.
"Me too. Believe it or not, I don't get a lot of hook ups sporting these wheels. Too many people only see my useless legs and don't even bother with the rest of me." Taeyong leans up again and strokes his cheek.
"It's funny though, I don't get that feeling with you. You don't just see me as broken." Jeno says softly.

"I see you as a perfectly capable person with the same basic human needs as the rest of us." Jeno looks deep in his eyes.
"Walk me home?" He asks. Taeyong stands ready to help but just watches as he army crawls to his chair and using his massive arms he pulls himself up and sits.
"See, perfectly capable." He says.

Taeyong smiles the next morning when he wakes on a hard chest. He places soft kisses there and smiles brightly when he hears a sigh.
"Good morning Jeno." He whispers.

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