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This is probably a boring chapter but I have to throw one in on occasion. 😇
Also sorry if there are any mistakes or a lot of mistakes but I am literally falling asleep as I write this and I'm too impatient to wait until morning to publish.

"So, I know this is a touchy subject for some reason but can I ask why you are so upset about Taeyong and Jeno? He seems like a really nice guy?" Jaemin asks cautiously as they start cooking a meal for the whole house. They have been feeling bad for excluding Jeno from things and just ignoring him all together. Renjun sighs.
"I just worry, he's vulnerable and Taeyong's not that nice. He told me to fuck off more than once the other day." Jaemin sighs.
"Jeno was really bad that day. I've never seen him so weak. We should have been there for him." Renjun looks at Jaemin with tears in his eyes.
"I'm sorry." He whispers as he wipes his eyes. Jaemin shakes his head.
"Maybe you should go talk to Jeno, explain your side of this, I'm sure he'll understand." Renjun looks hopefully at him.
"You think?" Jaemin smiles softly.
"Of course, you go. I'll finish cooking. Talk this through ok? I don't like how things have been." Renjun nods, still wiping tears and goes to his door.

He hesitates for a minute then finally gets his courage up to knock.
"Yeah?" He hears on the other side. He quickly opens the door so the other can't tell him to go away, just yet anyway.
"Hey Jen, can we talk?" He asks softly watching Jeno playing a game on his computer. He watches as his shoulders tense.
"Please? I'd like to apologize." Renjun says softly. Jeno then turns and nods. He pauses his game and gives him his full attention.
"Ok, go ahead." He nods and nervously plays with his fingers.

"First of all I'm sorry for everything. The way I reacted, the harsh words, not being here when you needed me, and keeping Jaemin from being here too." He chuckles bitterly.
"I know he wanted to be with you the other day when Taeyong said you were sick but I played the boyfriend card and made him stay with me. I've been selfish and an asshole and Taeyong was right to tell me to fuck off." Jeno smiles.
"He said that?" Renjun looks ups with a pout.
"A couple of times actually. He was right though. I've been a terrible friend." He takes a deep breath and wipes his palms on his pant legs and looks at Jeno who is still waiting for an explanation.

"I was shocked that you guys d-did that. I just didn't expect you to have anyone over and he's just really pretty and I don't know I was worried about you." Jeno frowns.
"Why because he's too pretty?" Renjun chuckles.
"No, I just didn't want you falling for him." Jeno frowns again.
"Why? Is it so wrong for me to find someone? Shouldn't I be happy too?" He asks with sadness lacing his voice.
"What? No, i mean yes of course you should be happy and you are an adult and can have sex with who you want I just, I don't know. I worry about you ok?" Jeno sighs, still questioning so much but he can see this is hard for him.
"Look Junie, just be respectful of my life from now on. Don't attack people im with and don't make me feel like shit for being with them.
Also, please don't abandon me. I need you guys, more than you will probably ever know." Renjun frowns and nods while they both start to cry.
"Im so sorry." He whispers as he hugs his neck.

When they finally pull away, Jeno kisses his cheek and pulls him into his lap.
"Can I see Jaemin now? Or are you going to hog your boyfriend again?" He asks making Renjun slap his chest. He wheels the two of them out, Renjun giggles the whole way and Jaemin can hear the happiness in his voice again and sighs in relief.
He walks out from behind the counter and hugs them both.
"I'm glad to see we are past this, now Junie help me finish dinner." Jeno pushes him off his lap playfully.
"I'd like to help too, can I set the table or something?" Jaemin smiles and kisses his cheek.
"Of course." Jaemin does have to set the plates and glasses on the counter for him because of course this house was not built to be handicapped accessible but Jeno doesn't mind as long as he's not made to feel completely useless.

When Doyoung walks in he gets a surprising hug from Renjun.
"I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass the past few days. I've apologized to Jeno and I think we are all ok now. Jaemin and i made dinner, will you join us?" Doyoung pats his hair and smiles softly.
"Yes, of course." He pauses as he sets his things down.
"Has uh, has Taeyong been by today?" Renjun frowns.
"No why?" Doyoung sighs.
"We went to school together, and he said he brought some friends with that I know too and we are going to get together soon." He says simply.

"His friends are famous so don't drool too much over them." Jeno says. Doyoung laughs.
"He's quite famous too, and his ex is a model I've worked with before." Jeno frowns.
"What do you mean famous?" Doyoung chuckles.
"Don't you get to know people a little bit before you take them to bed?" He asks with a smirk.
"Fuck you Doyoung, we know each other enough. Our work was never brought up." Doyoung nods with pursed lips.
"He's a songwriter and an artist. He's also studied dance at a famous school." Jeno smiles, seeing the look in Doyoung's eyes, knowing he has to mess with him.
"That explains his stamina." He says quietly as if to himself but also loud enough that Doyoung heard. He can see the jealousy rolling off him. It's funny though that Renjun is putting off a similar vibe but then again he's probably imagining it.

"Maybe we should talk about someone other than Taeyong?" Jaemin asks. Jeno chuckles.
"What should we do tomorrow? Want to play in the water?" Jaemin asks looking around the table.
"I don't know, you know I can't." Jaemin purses his lips.
"I'm not asking you to dive in and swim, let's just sit on the edge of the water and relax together?" Jeno reluctantly agrees.

After eating dinner Jeno feels much better. He feels like Renjun's apology was genuine and hopes they will all spend more time together now.
"Guys? Can you help me into the tub in a few?" Jeno asks. He really hates to ask but it's been a few days and since they don't have a handicap accessible shower he has to rely on them to help. Getting in isn't too bad but getting out is a little trickier because everything is so slippery.

He goes into the bathroom and gets undressed. He has a special towel that a friend sewed for him that he can tie around his waist and it will cover him, it's nothing fancy but it does the trick. He sits in his chair trying to hold back tears. Every time he has to ask for something like this he feels like he loses more dignity.
"Jeno? We're ready." Renjun says softly. He takes a deep breath and tells them to come in. He already has the water running so all they have to do is lift him in.
Renjun always takes his legs while Jaemin takes his upper body. He grabs under his arms while Renjun grabs under his knees. Once in, he nods and looks the opposite way of them so they don't see his tears.

They know, they feel his shame roll off him. They try not to do or say anything that will make him think that they think he's just a helpless burden now.
"Call when you are ready, ok?" Jaemin asks with a small smile. He only nods and clears his throat.

After he is all done and they've got him back in his chair, they both wait outside his room. He hollers when he's done just like he said he would and they both swarm him. Jaemin kisses his forehead and nose as he lays in bed. Renjun walks up and kisses his cheek.
"I'll be a better friend from now on ok? But please don't hesitate to ask me for anything. I love you. Jaemin loves you, just trust us ok?" Jeno nods with a smile, knowing full well it isn't trust that's the problem. He really hopes tomorrow will bring a good day.

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