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Ok, so I am going to rewrite the description for this story because it took me down a path that was far from my original idea.
My question is, should I rename it?
I have to change it from a Dotae story to an everyone story because my focus drifted so far. Anyway suggestions please????

⚠️ Talk of rape and drugging ahead.

The night after the carnival...

"Let me go." Joy says weakly as she wakes up from her forced nap. When she got too loud and out of control he used a cloth with ether to knock her out.
Her vision is blurred and her ears are echoing but she can't be seeing what she thinks she is.
"What the Fuck is going on? What are you doing to him?" She asks, trying to get a better look but she just can't focus.
"She hears that laugh by her head again." My brother is playing with his new toy while we wait." She finally starts to see better and is appalled.
"How? Why? Fucking stop." She tries to yell out but her voice is still weak.
"Oh it's ok, he's just having a little fun. Just a little roofie and some small touches and this guys dick pops right up. It's cute really." She makes a face of disgust.
"You sick fuck, you just sit and watch while your brother drugs and rapes someone?" He growls and gets in her face, so close he's spitting again.
"Is it rape if he's not the one getting fucked? And watch yourself little lady. I'm not opposed to fucking a chick. A hole is a hole as far as I'm concerned." She cries and wishes with her whole self that she could help this poor boy. She has no idea who it even is, they've had a hood on his sleeping body the whole time. She herself is not worth saving anyway, now that she broke Taeil's heart. He would never believe her, never take her back after such a horrendous lie.

Present day, still day 4...

"It's not, it's not him." He sobs in their arms. His body racked with happy tears as he knows he still has a chance. He could still be alive. He can't speak too much so they just hold him.
"How do you know?" Jaemin asks, full of hope.
"Jeno has perfect skin, no blemishes or marks other than his beauty marks. This man has a tattoo on his shoulder. It's not him." He cries some more before noticing Mark sitting in the sand wiping his eyes.
He runs as fast as he can and tackles him.
"It's not him, it's not him." Mark squeezes him.
"Are you sure?" Renjun nods.
"One hundred percent." Mark sighs in relief and is fondly tackled by Jaemin too. Taeyong watches their happy little moment and smiles to himself. Relief is an understatement of what they are all feeling now. He quickly runs into the house to tell Doyoung what happened.

Johnny and Taeil have since made it to where Yuta's phone is pinging. It's a grungy old warehouse and Johnny has enough sense to call the local police for back up. He instructs them to carefully surround the building in case someone runs but that Johnny will go in and assess the situation.

He tries to lose Taeil but he insists. He shakes his head with a deep sigh.
"Be quiet and follow my lead." Taeil nods. They sneak around to a small side door and luckily find it unlocked. It's a little sketchy but he can only hope it was a careless mistake.
They can hear voices in a partitioned room on the other side of the warehouse and Johnny decides to take the stairs to get a birds eye  view. When they get to the top he turns to Taeil and points.
"We will go behind that row of boxes. Remember, no matter what you see, you keep quiet. If he hears us he could kill them or us." He whispers to a wide eyed Taeil.
He's not so sure he should have come in after all but he isn't a coward and his friends need him.

As they near Taeil freezes in place. He's sure he hears Joy. Johnny looks back and covers his own lips with his fingers, reminding him to be quiet.

"Winwin, Stop, let them go. You promised me." She watches as his twin, Sicheng picks up the weak, drugged up body off the bed and set him onto a pile of blankets.
"What are you going to do with him?" Winwin slaps her again as Yuta and Haechan Watch on in horror.
"I said stop asking questions you whore. You want your turn? Huh? Right here in front of everyone?" She sobs and shakes her head no as Sicheng skips over and smiles sickeningly sweet.
"I haven't really decided yet. I was planning to just slit his throat and drop him in the ocean." He says with a shrug.
"But he is quite fun. Very pretty, would you like to see him? I bet you would." She closes her eyes. She's been avoiding that direction anyway out of respect for the persons dignity.
He walks over and pulls the hood up and she hears Yuta and Haechan gasp.
"Jeno." Yuta whispers.
"Yes, yes that's his name. The poor helpless soul I found beaten on the sidewalk. I almost took him then but it wasn't in the plan." He says with a wide childlike grin.

"You know we can't keep three, we will have enough to keep us busy with two. So you pick. This one, or that one? The other gets their throat slit, along with our little Joy here. Im keeping my precious Yuta all to myself." Winwin says sweetly. Yuta gags.

Taeil can't help the tears that run down his face. Johnny tries to get him to stay but he's sure he can go through with it. Johnny has a nervous pit in his stomach. His Yuta is in danger. They crawl further along trying to get a good view.

Johnny sees two guys, tall, skinny. One blonde, one with darker hair. He sees Jeno laying naked, tossed aside like garbage. Joy, badly beaten and Yuta and Haechan tied to chairs. They look groggy, like they are on some kind of drugs but he can't really tell from here. He turns and makes Taeil look him in the eyes.
"Ok listen. There is a lot of shit going on down there that will shock you. Please, please keep cool and don't give us away." Taeil nods and follows Johnny until they get right about them. He takes some pictures and sends them to the police outside.

When Taeil looks and sees Joy, tied up, beaten and broken he gasps and jumps back. A box crashes to the floor. Johnny cocks his gun.

"Sicheng, it's time. Kill him, we have to go." He picks up a knife and walks over and picks his head up by his hair.
Yuta, and Haechan scream out as he raises the knife. Joy inhales sharply as she watches Winwin walk to a table and grab a big knife too. This is it. They are done. She did her best but it wasn't good enough...

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