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When Jeno wakes he can feel two bodies sleeping on him and it feels surreal. Did that actually happen? Did he actually confess to them? Did Renjun actually say he loves him too? So many questions are going through his mind but not knowing where Jaemin stands leaves the hole open. He strokes his back and looks down at his sleepy face. He's so pure and so pretty. He looks over at Renjun to see him staring at him, his smile is breath taking.
"Good morning." He says sleepily, the vibrations in his chest causing a reaction in both. Jaemin hums on his other side making Renjun giggle.
"How are you feeling this morning?" Renjun asks softly earning a sigh.
"Well, a little bit relieved, a little bit happier, a little bit unclear and absolutely terrified." Renjun hums and kisses his cheek.

"Maybe you shouldn't just kiss me like that. You have a boyfriend. I'm still just me." Jeno says sadly. Jaemin pops up and kisses his other cheek.
"Kiss him whenever you want Junie." Jeno fish mouths and Jaemin giggles.
"I did a lot of thinking last night Jen. I tried really hard to justify not wanting this." He says gesturing toward the three of them.
"All I kept thinking about was how much I love when we all do things together. Just holding you while you slept yesterday was so nice and I'd love to do that more.
Jeno I know i have feelings too. I've just never thought about letting them out because I'm with him. I may not be able to say the words just yet but I'm sure they are there." Jaemin wipes the tears falling from his eyes and pecks his nose.
"I, I, uh." Jaemin shushes him, sensing he can't speak right now.

Renjun looks at them both with a love so pure in his eyes that Jaemin's heart skips a beat.
"Can I kiss you?" He softly asks as his thumb traces Jeno's bottom lip. He can only nod as Renjun moves closer.
He is soft and deliberate at first but soon the desire grows. Jeno can't help himself when he puts his tongue between Renjun's lips. He willingly opens and hums as their tongues move together gracefully.
Soon Renjun backs away winded and pecks his red lips once more. Jaemin, who had a front row view to this can't seem to bring his jaw off the floor.

After Jeno and Renjun finally break eye contact Jeno brings his hand up to Jaemin's cheek and pulls him closer.
"Jaem?" He questions. Jaemin looks in his eyes then at his lips then over to Renjun, a few times before he leans further down and Jeno pulls him into a deep kiss. There was no hesitation with this one, they both just dove right in. Tongues clashing wildly as Jeno grips the other's hair and pulls him close.
When they break apart Jaemin looks at Renjun with a lopsided smile.
"Yeah, kissing, good. More kissing." He says before leaning over and kissing his boyfriend.

When Jeno finally exits the room he sees Taeyong cleaning up the mess.
"Jeno? Are you ok? What happened here and wait... did you come out of their bedroom?" Jeno takes his hand.
"This mess was just me. I hit the table with this god damned chair and the vase broke. I still feel bad even though Renjun says not to." Taeyong smiles and rubs his shoulder.
"I kind of had a melt down. Its embarrassing really but I am so tired of living this way you know?" Taeyong nods with a deep frown.
"On the upside? I told them." He gasps and covers his mouth.
"And? What did they say?" He asks excitedly. Jeno smiles and shakes his head.
"Things are good. That's all I'll say for now." Taeyong gasps again.

"You devil! You guys?" He asks, knowing they had to have had sex.
"No. Renjun was scared to have me sleep alone after my meltdown." Taeyong smiles softly.
"That's good. It's nice to know he's not all asshole." Jeno makes that face again.
"You know I'm kidding. I won't talk about your loves like that anymore." Jeno shakes his head with a smile as Renjun and Jaemin walk up behind them.
"I'm not an asshole anymore." Renjun says with a pout. Taeyong pats his shoulder and starts to speak when they are interrupted.

"What are you still doing here? You didn't clean for them did you?" Doyoung asks glaring at the younger.
"Well, maybe a little but then i was talking to Jeno." He makes a pouty face which Doyoung secretly loves.
He walks over and gently takes his hand and walks him to the door. He kisses his lips.
"Go, get ready. We have plans in a few." He says with another lingering kiss. Taeyong nods and backwards walks away.

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