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"This is amazing Doyoung." Taeyong says as they sail along the bay.
"When did you learn how to do this?" Doyoung chuckles.
"I think I was ten." Taeyong's eyes go big.
"Wow, did your parents let you go by yourself?" He asks astonished.
"Not until I was like fifteen? I've always loved doing it. It's so relaxing." Taeyong watches as he calmly and masterfully maneuvers the small vessel through the crystal clear water.

They spend a few hours just sailing across the open water until Doyoung pulls off into this little cove. He has to drop the sails and row for a bit, but soon they put down anchor in this perfectly secluded spot.
"Want to swim with me?" He asks as he takes his shirt off. Taeyong closes his mouth to keep from drooling and nods. Doyoung jumps in first and watches Taeyong slowly slip into the water.
"It's warm, it's so nice." Taeyong says as he swims around. Doyoung finds a ledge of the cliff to sit on and watches him play.
"Come on? Play with me?" He whines. Doyoung purses his lips before disappearing underwater. Taeyong giggles as he tries to see which way he went but he can't see him until he pops up behind him and grabs his waist. He turns in his arms and immediately captivates Doyoung with his infectious smile.

"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" He asks as he watches literal stars dance in Taeyong's eyes.
"The question is, who made my heart beat faster when they did?" Doyoung raises a brow.
Taeyong wraps his arms around his neck and leans up on his toes.
"Do you know just how much you affected me when we were younger?" Taeyong asks in a whisper on his lips. He pulls back slightly making Doyoung chase them.
"You helped heal me, and how did I repay you?" Doyoung shakes his head.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up. We were young, hell I'm not much better. I should have never let you go, I should have fought for you but." He quickly pecks Taeyong's lips while he isn't expecting it.
"Now I have you all to myself, in this very private cove." Taeyong touches the bruise on his neck that he left and traces it with his fingers.

"Hmm, whatever will you do with me?" He asks playfully.
"The possibilities are endless." He says as Taeyong's grip tightens around his neck as he pulls himself up and wraps his legs around his waist. He smashes their lips together frantically as Doyoung's hands slide down to cup his bottom. Doyoung does his best to hold them up but soon the water consumes them as they fall into it. It doesn't change things though. Doyoung pulls Taeyong over to the beach and hovers over him.
"You're beautiful." He whispers before he devours him once again.

They lay in the sand, bodies pressed together with the water gently lapping their skin. What started as needy and frantic has turned into soft meaningful kisses, and gentle touches.
"This is nice." Taeyong says as Doyoung lays beside him.
"It really is. I'm sorry if I let it go too far too fast." Doyoung says while tracing Taeyong's tattoos. Taeyong sighs.
"I Don't know why, but for some reason I trust you. We haven't known each other long really, but I feel like wether we had sex right now or did it perfectly right and wait until we're married, that I could trust you with my everything." Doyoung scrunches his nose.
"I'm all for taking it at your pace but please don't make me wait until we're married." Taeyong laughs airily. He kisses along his neck and shoulders before asking something that's been on his mind for a while.

"How do you feel about Jeno and I? Honestly. Does it bother you? Or more importantly, will it bother you if I'm affectionate with him?" Doyoung frowns as if in thought.
"You know I'm a hugger, touch is sometimes how I show my affection for people. I haven't known him long but he's wedged into my heart, completely platonic of course. I just don't want you being all jealous and turning into Renjun." Doyoung cackles.
"Im still going to be his friend and be there for him, despite our past we are friends now." Doyoung kisses his cheek and neck and trails down to his collar bone.
"I trust you and I know how beautiful your soul is. You never love half way, and I love Jeno as well, he's like a brother." Taeyong kisses his lips then breaks out in giggles.
"Is it going to be weird that your brothers are sleeping together?" Doyoung bites his shoulder playfully.
"I'm happy for them."

"So, you pretty much know my past and my present. Is there anything I need to know about you?" Taeyong asks, then kisses him slowly. He hums in thought and presses his lips together.
"I've worked with your ex before, and probably will again." Taeyong makes a sour face.
"Was he an asshole?" Doyoung chuckles.
"I told him about us. He kind of hated you." Taeyong says as he looks anywhere but at Doyoung.
"Hey." He says, touching his face to get him to look at him.
"It's ok. You didn't do anything wrong." Taeyong shakes his head and cries.
"He wasn't all that friendly but we got through the shoot." Taeyong nods and wipes his eyes.
"Sorry." He whispers.
"That was a rough time." Doyoung smiles and kisses his lips.
"You have nothing to apologize for." He pulls him close and holds him in his arms.
"We should head back now. We can get dinner? I think we missed lunch." Taeyong sighs.
"Im so sorry for ruining our date." Doyoung stands and pulls him to his feet.
"This date is amazing because I am with you. Now come on, we have to swim back to the boat. We can dry in the sun on the way back." Taeyong nods with a small smile.

After docking his boat Doyoung grabs Taeyong's hand and swings it between them, making him giggle.
"I have dinner reservations for us, will you come with me?" He asks softly.
"Of course." They each go home to shower and change. The date thus far running through their minds. Taeyong of course feels like he ruined the nice romantic setting the other provided while Doyoung thinks it was perfect. He's all for honest dialogue. There is no sense in being fake on a date to impress the other. Especially with the history they have, he wants to know the real Lee Taeyong, the Taeyong he is today.

After a quick shower and change Doyoung is waiting outside on his deck for him.
"Hey beautiful." He says as he walks out shyly.
"Stop." Doyoung chuckles and takes his hand.
"Where are we eating?" Taeyong asks as they walk back toward Doyoung's car.
"There is a really nice French restaurant in town with ocean views that are incredible." Taeyong hums.
"You didn't have to go all out for our first date you know, you are supposed to save that for our anniversary." Doyoung stops and pulls him into a kiss.
"Don't worry, I'll pull out all the stops for that."

Even though it is only the beginning, both find overwhelming comfort in these words. Its like life kept them apart for this long for a reason and neither can complain about where they are.

When dinner ends, neither want to say goodbye. Both enjoying each other immensely they decide to curl up together in Taeyong's bed this time and watch a movie. Of course they don't make it very far before sleep overtakes them.

Somewhere on the beach...

"Must I remind you, you have one fucking job to do?" He sighs.
"I know, I fixed it don't worry. We'll get our man." He hears the smile in the other's voice.
"Good, don't fuck up again."

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