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"Hey Johnny." He looks up from his phone to see Yuta there.
"Hi. How are you?" He asks nicely. Yuta smiles and walks closer.
"I had a good time last night, it was so nice." Yuta says sincerely. He had an amazing time. Johnny was sweet and kind and even after walking him home, he turned around and walked Yuta home. His reason being that Yuta is recognizable and he wouldn't want him to get hurt.
"Me too." He says simply.
Johnny, too thought that it was really nice. They talked for a long time and after really getting to know Yuta he feels like he is the most genuine person he's met in a while. Not to mention funny and cute.

"Good, I uh, I came to ask that when you are Done working today, maybe we could go out? On a date?" Yuta asks, only mildly nervous for his reaction. Johnny makes a face that the other can't decipher and sighs.
"I'm sorry Yuta I have a date tonight. It's something that I..." Yuta shakes his head no.
"You don't have to make excuses with me. If you don't want to, just be honest." He pauses for almost a full minute while Johnny stares out at the water.
"I have to go. I didn't have much time anyway." He says softly before turning and walking away.

When he gets back to the house the others notice a visible difference.
"Yuta, what's wrong?" Taeyong asks as he just brushes past him sulkily.
"I'm fine. I'm going out tonight, want to come with? I'm going to the club in town." Taeyong scrunches his nose at Taeil.
"Oh? You and Johnny are clubbing huh?" He asks. Yuta scoffs.
"Nope! This guys going solo." The other two both look at each other with a knowing look. They knew how excited he was to see him today and this cold attitude he's giving off is a dead giveaway.
"I'm down." Taeyong says excitedly. Taeil nods with a smile.
"Just like old times." He says sincerely to Yuta. Yuta smiles and leaves the room so Taeil uses the opportunity to scold Taeyong.

"What are you doing? You have a date with Doyoung tonight?" He whisper shouts.
"I did, yeah. But now I'm going with you and Yuta to the club. Maybe he can go? Ooh I'll ask." He says excitedly. Taeil rolls his eyes fondly.

When Taeyong stands at their door again he feels nervous. He's sad that he has to break their date but it can't be helped. The door swings open and Taeyong is engulfed in Renjun's arms.
"Well hello to you too?" He questions.
"Hi sorry, I just still feel sorry so I figure I'll just hug you until I feel better." He says with a shrug.
"You went from little asshole to little cutie too damn quick, but it's ok, I like hugs." Renjun smiles and grabs his hand pulling him in. He sees Jeno and Jaemin sitting closely on the couch watching a movie and gives Renjun a questioning look. He shakes his head no with a smile.

"Come here, I'll take you to him." He says. The other two turn and he says a quick hello before getting dragged out. Renjun stops him in the hallway.
"Jaem and i are trying really hard to get back to where we were with him. There is a distance that's grown between us and it hurts so bad." He says softly. Taeyong feels his sadness and hugs him again.
"That's a great first step. I can tell you one thing about him. I know he misses the way things used to be, he feels like a burden because he can't do things like he used to. Just make him feel all of your love." Renjun nods wiping tears from his eyes.
"Thank you." He whispers.
"Just go that way, he's the last room on the right." Taeyong pats his head.

He knocks on Doyoung's door and immediately gets told to come in. When he does he is shocked to see Doyoung coming out on the en-suite bathroom in just a towel.
"Uh, hi. Renjun told me to come see you." He says nervously.
"Oh? Are you that excited to go out with me that you come early?" Taeyong giggles and sadly sighs while looking away.
"Im sorry Doyoung, i really hate to do this but I can't go out tonight. Well not with you, on a date." He chances a look up and sees disappointment.
"It's just that Yuta has a broken heart and needs Taeil and I. Otherwise he's going to that club up town by himself, and not only is he a celebrity, he's my friend and shouldn't be alone." Doyoung looks at him with the softest expression.

"You are such a good friend. We can go out another night." He says stroking his cheek.
"Unless you want to come tonight too? You can meet us there or something? Bring those three, it would be fun. And maybe I could get a dance with you? It might be a lot of fun!" Doyoung scrunches his nose.
"That's not really my scene, I'm sorry. Let's go to dinner tomorrow? Or maybe lunch? Or both?" Taeyong smiles wide.
"Any time with you, I'm sure would be amazing." He says softly before kissing his cheek.
"I have to go get ready." He says with a pout. Doyoung holds up his finger.
"Hold on, let me get dressed so I can walk you out." He says grabbing some boxers and putting them on under the towel. He giggles as Taeyong looks away. He quietly walks up to whisper in his ear.
"You've seen me naked before." He says making the other jump up.
"That's different, it was high school. You've grown, in a lot of places." Doyoung's laugh is so sudden and so precious. Taeyong smiles and touches his cheek. He leans up and kisses his cheek.
"I'll see you tomorrow then." He walks to the door and turns to him.
"We could do breakfast too?" Doyoung raises his brow.
"Have a good time Taeyong."

He leaves feeling much better, he didn't want to offend him in any way. He is of course bummed that he won't come with to the club but he will see him tomorrow.

It is only ten minutes since Taeyong left when Doyoung comes out in a pair of sweats and sits on a bar stool.
"Shouldn't you be getting dressed for your date?" Renjun asks concerned.
"He is going to the club tonight, we can go out tomorrow." He can already see Renjun's angry face approaching.
"Calm yourself. Yuta has a broken heart and needs his friends, and he's a celebrity. Taeyong didn't want him to be alone." Renjun sighs and watches as Doyoung starts pacing.

"Go." He says simply.
"What? No. That's not me. I wouldn't even know what to wear, or how to act.." Renjun looks at him like his wheels are spinning.
"We'll help you. Come on." He pauses the movie and looks at Jaemin who has Jeno cuddled into him, almost asleep.
"I'm going to help him get ready. You can keep watching, I'll catch up." He whispers to Jaemin before he kisses him softly on the lips. He then leans down and kisses Jeno's forehead. He watches him smile softly in his sleepy state and ruffles his hair.

He quickly follows Doyoung to his room and finds him the perfect outfit and coaches him to just go with the flow and dance like nobody is watching.
This could be an interesting night.

The beach houseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن