Lost and Found

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Guy and Jiraiya waited 15 minutes for you to calm down and return, and when that passed with no sign of you they began to get anxious.

Guy turns to Jiraiya, "If you didn't touch her like that we wouldn't be worried sick like this!" It's obvious even to Guy that he's trying to shift his worry into anger. "You scared her and-"

Jiraiya's voice is cold as he cuts off Guys accusation. "Don't go there. Don't. I didn't say anything when you almost killed her with your reckless sparring."

Shame floods Guy, "I just... I think I... love her." His gaze meets Jiraiya's, uncharacteristically helpless.

Jiraiya nods, mouth set in a bitter line, "I love her too. But we won't solve anything by arguing."

They sit, silently and after a moment Jiraiya groans.

"She couldn't have gone far right?" He holds his head in his hands and lets his shoulders slump.

Guy has silent tears streaming down his cheeks, and yet he pastes a forced smile on when he turns to Jiraiya.

"I'm sure she is taking the time to calm herself down somewhere nearby and safe! It's not like she'd leave the.. village.." he trails off, voice faltering. A look of horror slowly dawning on his face. Jiraiya jerks his head up, understanding begining to wash over him

"Oh shit! What if she ran into the woods again?!"

Guy tries to shake his head, protesting weakly. "There's no way she'd make that mistake twice.." but neither of them are confident in that and they rush out of the house, sprinting in different directions in search of you. The door hangs ajar, appearing to be waving them goodbye as it swings.

. . .

They scour the woods around the leaf village within a mile radius. you can't have got far, you aren't that fast.

A kunai slamming into the ground by Might Guys feet answers the mystery of what happened to you with grim certainty. Kidnappers. Rogue ninja out for Guy and Jiraiya's heads.

If you ever want to see your girl again,
Meet us.

A crude drawing on the back depicts a familiar tree and rock formation on their border.

Guy finds Jiraiya easily, he's still scouring around town and the edge of the woods. When he sees Guy hope sparks and then quickly dims in his eyes. Guy holds the kunai up and Jiraiya rips the note from his hands.

"No," his voice is faint and pained. "No!" He shouts this time, slamming his fist into a nearby tree.

He makes eye contact with Guy and they nod at each other before taking off.

. . .

You had run to the pond, old lady be damned, sobbing for reasons you couldn't understand. Your inner thighs felt damp and it kept your attention on the confusing feelings of over stimulation flooding your body. Everytime you started to calm down it brought it back full force.

After about 7 minutes, you'd finally calmed down, turning to find your way home. A man stands there, and any friendly greeting you'd begun dies on your lips at his eyes raking over you.

He makes a hand sign and next thing you know you are tied to a tree in a very unfamiliar area. Genjutsu? You wonder, dazed as consciousness floods back to you.

The men in front of you look... Very unfriendly. They have very bland faces, unmemorable, but you tell them apart by a few distinguishing characteristics. One has cropped spikey hair, another has big scars across his cheek and nose, and the last has long black hair. They move kind of like Naruto, casual civilian body language interspersed with body language and abilities that must have been drilled into them. The way they play with their kunai, the way one of them springs up 10 feet to stand in a tree and scan the area. These are ninja, but not well trained ones. Some form of drop outs.

The Greatest Love Story In Konoha (Jiraiya X Reader X Might Guy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ