Youthful Love!

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Guy is up at the crack of dawn, a grin on his face and motivation in his heart!

He has his tightest green suit on to show off his handsome muscles! Muscles, check!

Guy sprints to (Y/N)'s door, and you're awoken by the enthusiastic rapping on her door. You stumble, rubbing your eyes and peek out.

"Good morning, (Y/N)! I was wondering if you'd enjoy a stroll in the park with me!"

You smile, leaning on the doorframe. He's looking extra Guy-ish today, his smile a constant joyous beam and his suit somehow even tighter! It makes your jaw slightly drop as you take in the way it hugs every bit of him. You dip your eyes down.

"(Y/N)?" Guy snaps you out of your trance. "I didn't know it would affect you so strongly to see my devilishly handsome body on display like this!" He winks and begins posing and flexing.

You are momentarily stunned. Not only by how intensely attractive Guy is in this but also by the realization that the back is likely just as revealing!! You grab his arm, pulling him inside and closing the door behind him.

"Guy! You can't wear something like that in public! Its indecent!"

He laughs, "Indecent! My youthful flower, are you being possessive?"

Your cheeks light up, man was Guy being direct today!

He smiles, "Unfortunately I do have missions today, but I have a few hours for a walk with you if you are so inclined!" How could you resist? So you rush back to your room and get changed. Guys eyes light up when you come back, as if your sweater and pants were the best thing he'd ever seen you in. He offers his hand and you accept, heading out into Konoha.

. . .

Guy leads you past a bakery, stopping long enough to get you each a treat before leading you to a beautiful spot. There's a stone bench under a tree, it overlooks a pond. The whole area felt soothing and intimate.

"Its so beautiful!" You gasp, impressed by such simple beauty as it was something so very new to you.

"Yes, it is." Guy murmurs his reply, and you turn to see his eyes on you. He ducks his head, laughing nervously. You feel yourself flush, and look away as well.

You eat your treats together, in comfortable silence, listening to the early morning birds sing.

"(Y/N), would you be interested in hearing any of my heroic exploits?"

"Of course, Guy!"

And so you spend the next hour and a half listening to Guy with fascination. You'd never heard so many wonderful stories! Unlike Jiraiya's senseationalized ones, Guy was very factual and proud of said facts.

He demonstrated a move he used to take out a bandit leader, standing and pretending to attack the tree. It makes you laugh, seeing his child like enthusiasm and passion, most adults wouldn't go out of their way to pretend fight a tree for the sake of a story. It really was youthful.

He turns, laughing and rubbing his neck shyly. He sees the way you look at him and you both stop, breath hitching in your chests. Then you both look away, faces aflame with nervous blushing.

"(Y/N), you look so beautiful right now." Guys voice is soft, eyes gentle when you look back at him.

"Guy.." you gasp, having never heard him in any capacity than loud and happy or loud and sad. He steps closer, reaching out to stroke your cheek softly. His eyes linger on your lips, and you tremble with anticipation. Your eyes begin to close, watching him lean in slightly, and then out of nowhere he's jogging backwards, waving at you. He turns to run along the pond as he reverse jogs.

"Its time for me to meet my team for a mission, but I shall be back before you know it!"

And then he's gone.

The Greatest Love Story In Konoha (Jiraiya X Reader X Might Guy)Where stories live. Discover now