Kakashi's POV

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Kakashi hates his job.

He's perched on a tree, watching Guy finish his 243rd set of wood chopping for the day. Guy had taken it upon himself to take up the annual wood chopping mission to make sure the wood sheds of Konoha were full and ready.

Guy was sweaty, his green bodysuit shimmering with a layer of sweat. Ugh. Kakashi drops, landing beside Guy as he sets the ax down.

"So .."

Guy grins at him. "Rival!! Did you come to challenge me?"

Kakashi shakes his head, already done with this day and this "mission" from the Hokage.

"I heard (Y/N) and the Hokage gossiping." His deadpan voice can't even muster up any conspiratorial tones.

Guys eyes practically bug out of his head. "Do not tell me whatever it is you came to tell me!! I cannot violate her privacy!! That would be most unromantic and rude!!"

Kakashi leans back against a tree, eyes narrowing, "So you don't want to know what she thinks about you? Or what she thinks about Jiraiya?"

Guys mouth drops open, frozen in place as he thinks, then he shakes his head and his hands as if trying to ward off Kakashi's gossip. "No! It would not be right!!"

'Third time's a charm' Kakashi thinks, twirling a kunai absentmindedly. "But I saw Lady Tsunade sneaking out to meet him for sake. Are you willing to risk him having an advantage in the competition for (Y/N)'s affections?"

Guy finally relents, chewing his lip and looking into his eternal rivals eyes. "Ka kashi, give me the bad news first."

"She thinks he's attractive and strong, she likes his war stories and the way he flirts."

Guy cries manly tears of frustration. "Of course she does! Who wouldn't be impressed by such a great Sanin and Sage!!"

"But," Kakashi waits for Guy to stop crying, "She likes how strong you are, gushed over the way you carried her to the hospital, and still has the flowers in her kitchen." Kakashi had seen the flowers this morning, sitting in the window as he strolled leasiurely on his way to this dumb mission.

Guy is crying, again. Happy tears this time. "Yes!! The power of my youth may yet win!! Did she say anything else my dear rival?? I implore you!!"

Can he not be so loud? Kakashi sighs, "She got a dreamy look in her eyes when she talked about you."

Guy grabs Kakashi up in a huge hug, making his friend very unhappy as he squeezes him and spins in a circle.

"She may yet be mine!!"

"I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today," Kakashi grumbles to himself.

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