Judgemental Strangers

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You are out and about, it appears you've made a habit out of exploring. You think you like making new habits and figuring out what you enjoy. Its much more interesting than the rest of your life had been.

People were usually friendly or at least polite, and you enjoyed meeting new people. But today was showing you life couldn't always be that perfect.

An elderly woman is in front of her house, sneering at you in disgust. You'd just rounded a corner and begun heading to the pond bench Guy had shown you, wanting some fresh air while you read Jiraiya's book. You sit down, hoping she'll go back into her house instead of standing there staring at you. Instead she storms down the path.

"You need to go back to your home! There's a reason your aunt kept you out of sight, you filthy girl!" You flinch in surprise, unsure of how you'd incurred her wrath.

"P- pardon?"

"Don't think we haven't seen you and your loose behavior! Hanging all over different men and reading that filth!!" She points at your book, hand shaking with disgust. You fold in on yourself, tucking the book to your chest.

"I'm not loose! Jiraiya and Guy-"

The woman ignores you, poking your shoulder roughly. "Go!"

You almost fall off the bench, standing and stumbling back away from her. Tears stream down your face and you run past her, heading home.

You stop to catch your breath, in a neighborhood closer to your own. You don't know what that hags problem was but you aren't going to take it to heart.

You head down toward the shopping area instead of home, hungry and determined to turn the day around.

Passing a shop you hear snickering inside. Your glance inside, curious but not stopping. Two teen girls inside giggle harder when you look at them, covering their mouths to whisper. Very little reaches your ears as you walk away, but Guy-sensei and no standards make their way to you. You bring your shoulders up defensively around your flushed cheeks.

Finally arriving at Ichiraku's, you rush inside. Jiraiya, Naruto, Lee and Guy all sit inside. All but Jiraiya bear the dirt and scuffs of missions, he has ink on his face and his hands as if he fell asleep while writing.

"(Y/N)!!" They cheer in unison. Guy pats a free seat beside himself, waving his hand in the air. "Over here!! Sit with me!"

Jiraiya grins, patting the seat beside him too. "No, the pretty lady wants to sit with me!"

Naruto groans, grabbing his bowl and moving to sit on the other side of Jiraiya. "Jiraiya, move over for Lee!"

Lee and Jiraiya pause before nodding in understanding. Jiraiya scoots into Naruto's old seat, Lee taking his seat. Now they sit Naruto, Lee, Jiraiya, an empty seat and Guy. They both pat the empty seat together and you smile, looking between the men as you take your seat.

The dried tears on your face seem unnoticeable to you, but they both catch sight of them, and the puffiness around your eyes, when you sit.

Guy grabs your face, tears pouring down his own face at the thought of you crying. "(Y/N)!! What has upset you, my youthful flower?" Jiraiya sets a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently, "Yeah doll, tell us what's got you down."

You hesitate, but the feeling of them comforting you makes you feel better about yourself after what the old lady said. They didn't seem to think you were a bad person.

"Some old lady.. she came up and started insulting me, she told me my aunt was right to keep me locked up." Your eyes well up again and you can tell Naruto and Lee have quieted to listen in too. So you whisper the next part, "She said she'd seen me all over you two, and called me loose. She was mad at me for reading this too," you show them your book, that you'd held to your chest until now. "

"Is that everything?" Jiraiya seems to sense you're holding back. Your tear stained face reddens a little. "A- And some girls were making fun of me. I think. They were laughing. All I really heard was Guy sensei and no standards. I don't know if they thought I was too lame for you, or if they meant it as criticism of me liking you."

Guys jaw tenses and he strokes your face with his thumbs, still holding it firmly. "(Y/N)," his voice is low, "you are not loose. You are amazing, just new to all of this. You don't know the social norms or how it looks to be courted by two people at once." Your heart leaps at the word courted.

Jiraiya pipes up, hand squeezing your shoulder reassuringly, "And what you read is your business." He pauses, "Not to mention, neither you or Guy are poor choices. He's a handsome, accomplished Jonin and you are beautiful, sweet, and kind."

It was odd, hearing him praise Guy. You thought they were fighting over you. Guy releases your face and each of them take a hand. The owner of the noodle shop steps over, he had been pretending not to listen while you three had your moment, but ready to sell noodles now. The boys appeared to return to their conversation too, both gritting their teeth in silent anger at the horrible things you had to deal with while just trying to read a book. And yet, surprisingly, they don't interrupt.

"Miso pork ramen please!" You state your order and fe you stomach growl. When your food is served, neither man at your side makes a move to let your hand go.

"Guys? I can't eat like this." You shake your hands gently, drawing their attention to the issue. They laugh, and both reach for chopsticks.

"Hey, I can feed her!" Guy protests. Jiraiya shakes his head.

"No," he lifts chopsticks up and grins, "let's take turns! That's only fair!"

Your cheeks flush at the declaration. Jiraiya notices and wiggles his eyebrows, laughing, "Oh ho! Someone is thinking of other kinds of taking turns!" Naruto chokes and whatever Lee was saying breaks off in a horrified voice crack. They both stand, tossing money on the counter and sprinting out. Not even stopping to say goodbye!

Guy has a hand over his face, mortified and it just makes Jiraiya laugh harder. Guy notices and uses the opportunity to start feeding you a bite of pork, both of you rolling your eyes fondly as Jiraiya gasps for air, doubled over.

When he calms down he pouts at you, grabbing the chopsticks and offering you a bite of noodle. "I take it back! You do fight dirty!" You don't know what he's referring to and accept the bite greatfully.  Guy laughs and you settle into the odd meal, until they finally let your hands go. Once you're done with you're food they both stand, taking your hands again and arguing over who's going to pay a moment.

"I challenge you!! Rock paper scissors!!" Guy declares, and promptly beats Jiraiya's rock with paper. He hands the money for the meal over triumphantly.

You can't help grinning at them, looking between their faces. You can't believe they're both so friendly with the other after last time. Mysterious newfound friendliness between them aside, you really enjoy their attention and when they both offer to lead you home, you only pretend to think a moment before shyly asking if they want to walk you together. They both smile as if you'd picked them and then alone.

At you door they both lean in, giving you a kiss on opposite cheeks. Your face is momentarily squished between them and you turn a lovely shade of red.

"Goodnight, my youthful flower." Guys voice is low, you flush and reach up to caress his cheek.

"Goodnight, Guy." Jiraiya huffs, pouting a little, and you turn to him.

"Goodnight, Jiraiya." You caress his cheek too.

"Goodnight, beautiful." His voice is also low, wanting but sweet. You hesitate a moment and quickly lean up, kissing him on one cheek and then turning to Guy to kiss his cheek. Jiraiya giggles goofily, and Guys eyes get unfocused as a smile spreads across his face.

They both stand there a moment more before they reluctantly step back and wave.

"Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!" They say in unison. And you giggle, waving and stepping into your home. You don't know it, but after they leave Guy and Jiraiya share a dark look. Guy nods toward the neighborhood you had been confronted in.

"I think I know just what bitter old woman would say something so cruel." Guy mutters, disgust etched into his usually happy face. Jiraiya pops his knuckles.

"Lead the way."

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