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Jiraiya was walking the streets of the Leaf Village, bored. He knew (Y/N) was asleep, her house was dark and quiet when he walked by in search of inspiration so he let his feet guide him and his thoughts drift.

He couldn't stand competing for her. Not because he was opposed to sharing, he'd been in some non monogamous relationships before, but because he didn't know if she was into that. And he really didn't want to scare her off.

He stopped, near Lee's dojo outside town. He could hear the sound of someone working out. Grunts and counting, in a very distinct voice.

"595, 596.. 597!" He peeked in, watching Guys arms shake like saplings in a storm as he completed another handstand push up. "598!!"

"Well done." Jiraiya was genuinely impressed. There clearly was a reason Guy was not only held in such high regard in the village but also favored by (Y/N).

Guys eyes snap to the door, brows furrowing when he sees Jiraiya standing there. "Hello!" He springs to his feet and crosses his arms.

Guy loved competition, even competition in romance! But he knew of Jiraiya's Pervy behavior and he didn't like the idea of him using someone so sweet and kind for his own satisfaction.

The two stared each other down, the silence icy for a moment before Jiraiya sighs. "Look, I don't want this to become a whole thing. I'm not out here to fight you. Well, we could spar," Jiraiya shrugs, "but I don't want to get into some childish battle over romancing (Y/N)."

"Don't act like you feel the depths of affection for her! Romance is a beautiful thing and I won't stand for you perverting it to seduce pretty girls, least of all (Y/N)!!" Guy strikes a passionate pose, fist over his heart and bushy brows furrowed in righteous anger.

Jiraiya's jaw drops before clenching, he turns away and crosses his arms. "For your information, I haven't tried to seduce her once!! Sure I flirt but I haven't 'perverted' romance under false pretenses! The romance is genuine!"

Guys face softens, "The romance is genuine for me too." He seems to settle on something and pumps his fist, "You shall be my rival for (Y/N)'s heart until she chooses the suitor she favors!!"

Jiraiya hums in agreement, then pauses, "Well, unless," he stops, unsure of how Guy will react.

"Unless what? Speak your mind, my good man!"

"Unless.. she doesn't have to choose."

Guy falters, "Are you suggesting I give up?! Or are you giving up??" Jiraiya shakes his head and sighs, irritated he has to state it so clearly.

"No, we could, for lack of a better word, share her."

Guy recoils, mouth opening and shutting a moment silently, for once at a loss for words. Jiraiya throws his hands up, "What's the big deal? Its not unheard of. Plenty of people participate in romantic relationships with multiple partners, consensually!!"

They stand in silence, Guy contemplating this and Jiraiya waiting for him to process it. Guy looks up, rolling his shoulders.

"Did you still want to spar?"

Jiraiya let's him avoid the subject, and nods.

He takes off his outer layer, down to his fishnet shirt and they get into fighting stances. With a nod from each to confirm they're ready, they rush at each other.

Jiraiya blocks Guy, whose foot almost grazes Jiraiya's face. With a quick turn he knocks his elbow into Guys head, Guy takes the blow, sliding back before springing forward. His next moves are too fast for Jiraiya to see, but he feels them make impact with his sternum three times. Guy aims a high kick for Jiraiya's head, knocking him down. Jiraiya grimaces, standing and grinning in a way that is more teeth baring than friendly.

"You're quick, I'll give you that. But you've got nothing on me." He turns, a high kick appearing to go for Guys face. Guy brings his arms up to block in an x, leaving his body vulnerable. Jiraiya expected this and drops down to jab Guy, quick blows scattering across his chest and abdomen. Guy stumbles back, eyes wide in surprise. He winces a moment, hand reaching to rub his chest.

"Impressive!! What a.. youthful display!!" Guy pants, laughing at the irony. Jiraiya chuckles, and they both regard each other in a more friendly light.

"What do you say we call it quits? I think we both got what we wanted from this fight." Jiraiya stretches, smiling at Guy. Guy grins, rolling his shoulder.

"Alright! But I'm curious! What is it you think we obtained from our match?" Guy unzips his suit, letting it hang open to the waist to get relief from the heat building up in the dojo.

Jiraiya takes in the sight, not bad. "I think we both let off steam, assessed the other, ninja to ninja, and checked out what we were up against. You fight not only well, but honorably, no dirty tricks or trash talk. It shows integrity on your part, and I trust that (Y/N) would be happy with you if that's what she wants."

Guy inspects his bruised chest, Jiraiya had been just hard enough to leave a mark while causing no real damage. What an opponent!! And so wise!

"You are a fine ninja, Jiraiya! I'm am glad it is you I shall face off with in this battle of hearts!! (Y/N) is a lucky girl to have your affections!" He pauses, thoughtful. "if facing off is what we must do."

His face flushes a little, emberrased, and Jiraiya laughs. That sounded like being in a love triangle wasnt being dismissed entirely. Now they just had to know if the object of their affections approves.

The Greatest Love Story In Konoha (Jiraiya X Reader X Might Guy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat