Accidents and An Impressive Guy

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You wake up, dizzy, in a clearing. There are tall trees around you and an ominous silence. The world swirls into focus.

Standing shakily you turn around, confirming the bad feeling you had. There's nothing. No path, no sign of civilization, and no clue where you came from.

Before you can panic, you hear laughing. Laughing and running.

Between finding the strangers or continuing being lost in the woods, strangers felt like a better choice. So you follow the sounds as best you can. Lucky for you, they stop in a near clearing.

You watch from the treeline for a moment, nervous. There are two men in the clearing, the one that you notice first is in a green jumpsuit. His black bowl cut bobs above astonishingly thick eyebrows as he stretches enthusiastically. His voice booms in the silence. "well Ka kashi? Ready?" The other man, Kakashi apparently, rolls his eyes at the over pronunciation of his name and peeks over the small orange book in his hand.

"Sure." Kakashi is tall, slender and with a head of spiky hair. He looks at ease to the point of laziness, but he quicky stands up straight and snaps the book shut. More quickly than you anticipated he could move, he turns and blocks a hit from the green suited guy, who had begun to attack him ferociously.

You gape at the conflict, the men throwing powerful attacks at each other that shatter trees when they miss. You almost forgot what you are doing, fascinated as you are, but reality hits you when, ironically, a branch hits you.

The green suited guy had missed Kakashi, kicking a limb off a tree with enough force it knocks you back when it hits you square in the chest.

Now, for the second time today, you are blinking up at the trees as the world swirls into focus.

There's a soft glow coming from the bowl cut dudes hand where it hovers over your chest. The fabric is dark with blood.

The two men are standing over you, stone faced and concerned. As soon as you look at them though, the green suited one bursts out crying.

Before he can say whatever he opened his mouth to say, Kakashi leans down and peers into your face.

"Who are you?"

Initially, you're pissed that they hurt you and don't even apologize for it. And then you sigh, you may be a former shut in but you know strangers around the leaf village are a red flag for trouble, your tutor had briefed you on the outside world best she could between lessons. So you force yourself to sit up, ribs aching and potentially cracked, but not broken? You manage to answer,

"(Y/N).. niece of Ryōbo." A glimmer of understanding flickers in Kakashi's eyes.

"The shut in." He pauses. "I expected you to appear.. dangerous or feeble in some capacity. But either you're normal or very skilled at pretending you are." Did your aunt never talk about you? He seemed to only know of you in the vague capacity anyone would from rumors.

The other guy hits him in the chest and looks offended. "Ka kashi! That is no way to speak to a lady we've just injured!!"

He turns to you and smiles, it's almost blinding, "I am Might Guy, The Blue Beast of Konoha!" Every word he says is practically a shout, it's very.. enthusiastic.

"Guy.." Kakashi sighs, rubbing his chest.

"Don't you Guy me!" He jabs him in the chest with one finger, irritated at his attitude. "We were careless with our youthful energy and you haven't even apologized to her!!"

"You're the one that kicked the branch in the first place!" Kakashi protests, exasperated.

"Don't mind me, I'm fine." You mutter sarcastically, still holding your ribs as you struggle to your knees. Why was moving your legs hurting your ribs? Or was it breathing that was hurting? You'd never been injured before and this on top of everything else was too much.

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