9 ~ 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

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Traditionally, I am smoking in front of school, trying to avoid everyone. And traditionally, it doesn't work because I see twins heading my way. It's more Chad who pulls Mindy by the hoodie. I feel confused, so I just continue smoking, not even planning to ask what it is. Mindy hasn't spoken to me since the party. She was really mad that we didn't have sex. Not my fault that Tara stole the show. If she hadn't interfered, I would have ended up with Mindy.

— What happened to your face?! — Chad asked  worried

— Doesn't matter. What do you two want?

— You two need to talk — Chad said

I lifted the cigarette to my lips. I'm not interested in talking. I'm down and pissed off. The Carpenter sisters gave me a lot of emotions. Also, being sober turned out to be harder than I thought. The hardest part was not getting high at the party, but somehow I managed. However, the following days were worse.

— Then leave us Chad — Mindy told him

— Fine. Talk calmly.

It's been quiet since Chad turned around and left. I raised one eyebrow and looked her in the eyes.

— I'm sorry. I acted like idiot — she said

I nodded happy that she isn't angry. I don't need another person who has a problem with me. Especially Mindy, who means a lot to me. If I lost her again, it would hurt.

— Bur I'm confused Amber. Why did you refuse?

Honestly I don't know. Just Tara... I could see in her eyes that she wanted something. It made me want it too. But I won't tell it to Mindy.

— Sexual burnout — I laughed and inhaled nicotine

— Liv told me you fucked with someone. Don't say it if you don't want to — she said and raised her hands — Just don't lie. Not again.

My smile faded. Fuck it. Livie, honey, I'm going to kill you.

— I'm sorry. It was a strange night.

— That's right. Your busted mouth says Tuesday was interesting too — she shrugged

— Oh it was... — I confirmed with a quiet sigh

There was a moment of silence and I didn't really know what to say. I've been kind of cut off from reality lately. Burnt out of life. Even simple conversations tire me.

— Tara and Wes should be there in a minute. Wanna sit with us? — Mindy asked and I winced at her mention of Wes

I would love to see our new couple. Will they come holding hands? Or maybe they'll kiss every three minutes. Will they sit and hug? Another couple like Liv and Chad who are constantly horny for each other?

— Sure.

We walked to our place and I hugged Liv for good morning.

— The lip is healing — she said

— It is. I think tomorrow I'll be able to kiss again.

— How is it possible that so many chicks want you? — Chad asked — I know that Mindy has poor taste, but the rest...

Mindy looked at him pissed off.

— I'm hot and charming — I explained

— You shouldn't care, honey — Liv told him — You have me and let's leave it at that.

— Only you — he answered and pulled her to kiss

— Ew — I said and moved away because Chad was pushing against Liv and she was pushing against me

Last Friday Night ~ tamberDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora