Part 1: Crash-Landing

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3rd Person POV:

The sun. There's probably many other other suns out there, but let's just refer to this one as "the" sun.

Its rays have facilitated the survival of countless living organisms across millennia.

So long, that it's easy for anyone or anything to take the sun's presence for granted.

Whether by scientific reasoning, or just unproven trivial logic, it can be concluded that the sun will continue to shine its rays for a very long time.

But these rays, are not just rays. A being of god-level intellect and means could tell in a instant, that these rays from the sun are composed of not just light.

But mana as well.

Fire mana? Definitely not mostly, maybe a little bit?

Since the sun is kind of a hot, glowing piece of rock, traces of earth mana?

Forget about water, wind.

So, mostly, what kind of mana?

Something higher than fire, higher than electric mana even.

Electromagnetic radiation mana.

Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation after all.

For simplicity, people will probably call this: light mana.

And what is being absolutely doused with these rays of light mana?

Two pods, that have been in orbit around the sun, for some time now.

But that's about to change.

The two pods accidentally collide.

One of the pods continues its orbit, but the other one, deviates.

The structural integrity of the deviating pod begins to fail.

Its outer armour begins to crumble as it enters the atmosphere of the nearby, blueish planet.

As the pod falls in a perpendicular trajectory towards land, most of its armour is already burned away, but there is still enough, to protect its precious cargo from impact.

A village comes into view. Perhaps it is a place remote enough to remain unnoticed, but then again, there probably isn't anyone on this planet constantly scanning for objects falling down from outer space.

Right below the imminent impact point, is a grassy field, where an auburn-haired toddler is playing, without a care in the world.

Does this toddler have the mentality of a typical toddler? Or...something else?

It doesn't matter, because he's about to die.

Hearing something, the toddler begins to look up.

He does not have the chance to even register what's happening before the barely intact spaceship smashes down.



*...extensive damage detected...beginning revitalization cycle...*
*...acknowledging presence of foreign genetic material...*
*...ERROR...ERROR...commencing metamorphosis*

An auburn-haired toddler is ejected out, just as the pod completely crumbles, only a few pieces of scrap metal remain that barely qualify as proof of the pod's existence.

The toddler starts to awaken, in a way typical of toddlers waking up after a long sleep.

A woman runs out of the house nearby.


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